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Where Did You Find Chitnchat? filter_list
RE: Where Did You Find Chitnchat? #31
(04-20-2013, 01:58 AM)Sunlight Wrote: I'm pretty sure most of the members here are from CG or if they are from HF, then they don't know what CG is.

Most member came from HF on CG, and then most of them came to CnC, so its a cycle of events.


RE: Where Did You Find Chitnchat? #32
Shaun got most of the members on this site. I think it's official.


RE: Where Did You Find Chitnchat? #33
Yeah, Shaun is beasting getting people here.
[Image: logo.png]


RE: Where Did You Find Chitnchat? #34
Demo told me!
Then he linked me like 3 hours later lmao
Some people want it to happen, some wish it would happen, others make it happen. ~ Michael Jordan


RE: Where Did You Find Chitnchat? #35
(04-21-2013, 03:54 AM)jd Wrote: Demo told me!
Then he linked me like 3 hours later lmao

Pfft, I linked you as soon as I told you about it! Haha

OT: My brother is wonders, so..
~ Fear of the unknown.


RE: Where Did You Find Chitnchat? #36
I found out about the forum from Wonders through Skype. It must have been a couple of days ago.


RE: Where Did You Find Chitnchat? #37
Wonder's link somewhere brought me here after I clicked it. I am never turning back nor do I regret my decision!


RE: Where Did You Find Chitnchat? #38
Came here from Hackforums! Found my second Forum home!


RE: Where Did You Find Chitnchat? #39
Glad to hear everyone is finding out via different ways Smile


RE: Where Did You Find Chitnchat? #40
My friend. He's "Preside" in this. Cool site!!!


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