Twelve Years of Service
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What has happened? 02-10-2013, 10:55 AM
This forum used to be so active and full of people! I know we don't have as many people but it doesn't feel as active as it used to be. I do know this isn't being advertised but this is also towards to the FJ Members. I remember how active of a community we were, replying on each others threads, getting into conversations, making groups and everything! For now I do understand why people are inactive/lack of threads and discussion but if we try little bits each day we can get it back up and going and hopefully back to how it used to be again!
Twelve Years of Service
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RE: What has happened? 02-10-2013, 11:48 AM
The site has only been up for a few days, give it some time. Soon enough if Diss does his part in advertising (this goes for us as a community too) we might be able to get to the level of what FJ used to be but for now just sit tight.
Twelve Years of Service
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RE: What has happened? 02-10-2013, 02:52 PM
It's still in beta phase. We need to encourage people to start posting somehow.
Twelve Years of Service
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RE: What has happened? 02-10-2013, 07:54 PM
Mostly because of what happened with ForumJunkies. However, I am not going to beg people to join up, I'll advertise yes, but those from FJ will either come or not. It all just depends on how they felt.