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What couples fight about the most filter_list
What couples fight about the most #1


Let's face it, couples fight about sex. She'd rather read a book then get busy at night or he wants some fun in the morning. Resolve this fight by agreeing to different times, such as when he gets home from work or an hour after she's woken up and had a cup of joe.


Political views can cause a doosey of a fight between couples. The best way to avoid fights about politics is to agree to disagree or have a discussion about how important this topic is to the two of you.


Money is the number one reason why couples get into fights. Solve the money problem by meeting in the middle. The spender can agree to spend less and the frugal one can afford to part with some cash.


Married couples get into fights about how to raise the kids. Should they get disciplined this way or how much money should we spend on them... Draft up an
agreement on how to handle your children and stick to it.


Stress buildup can cause explosive fights between couples. Prevent this argument from starting in the first place by practicing stress reduction techniques. Take a walk with your partner and learn how to take deep breaths when you're starting to feel wigged out.


Religious views are personal and this can get a couple in trouble in a relationship. Especially when they don't agree onn what religion to adopt respecting each other is the key to solving religion-based issues.


It's so easy to get jealous in a relationship. Communication is key to solving problems related to jealousy. Pick a time where both of you are relaxed and bring the subject up.


We all know how this fight goes....She feels she does all the housework. He thinks he does more than enough. Go grab some coffee to talk about this situation. Trust me, it's to get out of your home. Create a chore list you both agree on and stick to.


Everyone knows couples need to communicate in order to stay together. Fights of this nature go like this...he wants to sit and watch television, she wants to talk about her bad day at work. Practice seeing through the eyes of your partner to get better at communicating.


Work fights arise when one person feels as if his or her partner spends too much time at work. We recommend having this discussion after a good meal, where you can both express your feelings on the matter. Remember, you're both only looking out for each other.

Family Fight

Extended family can always cause problems. Arguments revolve around how much time a significant other significant other spends with their parents and how long to stay when they visit them. Solve this fight by mapping out a workable plan before you leave.

Date Night

The date night fight creeps up when couples can't decide where to go. He wants to see an action flick while she wants to try this romantic new restaurant she heard about. Resolve the date night fight by either fitting both into one night or picking his activity and hers the next.

Me Time

She wants to spend six hours shopping while he feels that is too long for him to spend with the kids. Nix this fight before it gets out of hand by coming up with a time limit you both feel comfortable with.


You know how this one goes...She wants to live tree while he thinks a fake one looks better. He wants to fly home on Thanksgiving presents and she wants to cook dinner for her family. The best way to resolve tradition fights is to agree on which one is important before the holidays come up.


Vacation fights cause rifts in otherwise solid relationships. Studies show that women want to spend time relaxing while away from the daily grind while guys tend to want to fit in as much activities as they can. Solve vacation spats by splitting how you spend time down the middle or let your partner go on his or her own for the day.

(This post was last modified: 03-04-2013, 04:40 PM by VocalX.)


RE: What couples fight about the most #2
How has this thread received 100+ views but no replies..
tl:dr but I'm sure its funny and or interesting.
Signature is too big. -Staff


RE: What couples fight about the most #3
(03-04-2013, 04:39 PM)[PZVNGI] Wrote: How has this thread received 100+ views but no replies..
tl:dr but I'm sure its funny and or interesting.

anyways, read all.
everything true in my eyes.


RE: What couples fight about the most #4
Lol nice read, keep em' coming.


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