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What can linux do? filter_list
RE: What can linux do? #11
Linux is a 100% open source Operating System. It has many styles and flavors. The most popular versions of linux right now are, Ubuntu, Debian, Fedora, and a few others. The cool thing about linux is you can do virtually anything with it. It's written in C so programming the shell shouldn't been that hard. It also has multiple desktop enviroments like GNOME and KDE. Gnome just transformed to GNOME 3, and in my opinion is garbage. KDE all the way, if you want a stable version of ubuntu (most noobish friendly linux) then I would go with Kubuntu (Ubuntu under the KDE Enviroment)

There is alot of hype over Backtrack because it is now the leading pentesting OS out there. Equipping itsself with over 300 different penttesting tools such as Metasploit framework, wifi hacking, stress testing, forensic analysis, etc etc etc...

Linux is also heavily used in the server world. Cent OS is one of the most stable and best linux distro's out there. I have both a CentOS DNS server and a CentOS multimedia webserver.


RE: What can linux do? #12
also if anyone wants to know how to run backtrack 5 or 5RE on windows let me know its actuly realy easy Smile still im goint got fire up the laptop and get linux on there Smile


RE: What can linux do? #13
Why not just run it off a usb SD flashdrive. I really find no need to having BT5R1 installed on my computer. I just have it on my USB Flash and it runs perfectly. It's also a good idea to have it on a flash drive incase you engage in illegal activities, which you shouldn't be doing.... Wink haha.
[Image: opbJa.gif]
"But, as it is, we have the wolf by the ear, and we can neither hold him, nor safely let him go. Justice is in one scale, and self-preservation in the other."


RE: What can linux do? #14
well id rather run it on windows lol flash drives suck to me apart from slow transfreing files lol


RE: What can linux do? #15
Well if you are running from windows I would suggest you running threw a VMplayer, that way you can install a few different styles of linux... EX. Ubuntu, Debian, Fedora, Arch, Mint, Cent, Gentoo, Slax... Linux is all about what you feel comfortable with. I've been using linux for about 3 years off an on, more off than on... But I can say that linux is very powerful and way better than Windows. And I only say run BT5R1 from USB if you are doing what you should not be doing.

Ninja Edit: If you are running a vm then i would tell you 1gig ram and with 20-30gig HD should be sufficient for what ever you plan on doing.. If you have a good comp with alot of ram, then of course bump your ram up.. But just remember if you set your VM ram high, and you have multiple VM's running, you can quickly bog down your main processor.


PM for questions

[Image: opbJa.gif]
"But, as it is, we have the wolf by the ear, and we can neither hold him, nor safely let him go. Justice is in one scale, and self-preservation in the other."


RE: What can linux do? #16
(12-03-2011, 07:40 AM)d3nial Wrote: Well if you are running from windows I would suggest you running threw a VMplayer, that way you can install a few different styles of linux... EX. Ubuntu, Debian, Fedora, Arch, Mint, Cent, Gentoo, Slax... Linux is all about what you feel comfortable with. I've been using linux for about 3 years off an on, more off than on... But I can say that linux is very powerful and way better than Windows. And I only say run BT5R1 from USB if you are doing what you should not be doing.

Ninja Edit: If you are running a vm then i would tell you 1gig ram and with 20-30gig HD should be sufficient for what ever you plan on doing.. If you have a good comp with alot of ram, then of course bump your ram up.. But just remember if you set your VM ram high, and you have multiple VM's running, you can quickly bog down your main processor.


PM for questions


yea im running it threw vmplayer thats what i was gonna sugest pople on windows to use if they dont wanna do a full reinstall on there computer like me i like windows but am wanting go use linux and am learning but not gonna wipe windows out and put linux on when i dont know how to use it properly lol and yes USB is good for activities but this site dosnt suppord said activities so im not gonna go there Tongue


RE: What can linux do? #17
If you really wanted to than you could just partition your drive and have a dual boot. I totally understand why you wouldn't want to go for a full install. But I will say it now, the best way to get off of "WinSucks" is by fully reformatting your drive to what ever linux distro you feel like trying (please use VM to decide what you like best before doing a full format) because IMO its more fulfilling.

Best thing i can say for new users. Get comfortable with making files, editing, moving, copying, renaming, CD changes... Best thing is to google commands for your SELECTED distro.

I have done 2 college creditted courses in both ubuntu styled and fedora styled linuxs.

Just mess around, the best advice I can give is... BREAK THE SYSTEM.. Try your best to mess that system up and the rework it... I was always taught... " Its best to break what you are working with and fix it on your own, then it is to break something and ask for help".

So VM some linux, get what you think is best.. Then either A. dual boot, or B. Go for the full install and use the CLI as much as you can

Happy distro'ing!!!!
[Image: opbJa.gif]
"But, as it is, we have the wolf by the ear, and we can neither hold him, nor safely let him go. Justice is in one scale, and self-preservation in the other."


RE: What can linux do? #18
duel boot? hows that work like 2 users on the computer 1 windows one linux? how is it done sounds like a good idea to me nd eventuly ill go full linux if i can get the hang of it Tongue if being the main word lol


RE: What can linux do? #19
Yes, it would kinda be the same thing, except when your computer boots you will see a GRUB menu. There will be a list of the OS's on your computer... Select *windows*, *linux*, or any variation,

I'd keep working threw your VM until you fully understand your basic commands.. Best words of wisdom I can give pertaining to linux... "Just get as comfortable as you can, if you are as equally as comfortable on linux as you are on windows... Keep working!!! You are not quite there yet!"

[Image: opbJa.gif]
"But, as it is, we have the wolf by the ear, and we can neither hold him, nor safely let him go. Justice is in one scale, and self-preservation in the other."


RE: What can linux do? #20
cool well once i decide on what i wanna do ill come get some help from ya if possible



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