Want a Custom Cropped Signature, Fast or Free? 10-18-2013, 01:54 AM
Are you Looking for a Signature?
Post these Specs
Encourage me, if it's worth something to you Don8
Everything is better when its Free !
if you don't like it i'll re-crop it!
if I can't crop the Image due to Size / Quality i'll ask you for a different image.
if I take too long, I probably Failed a few times.. so i'm re-re-cropping
if you want to donate to me Thanks !
Post these Specs
- Length / Width Size
- Name/Text/NA
- Color format *Preferred Colors* /NA
- Image/'s
- Gold / Offer * Gold = Points *
Encourage me, if it's worth something to you Don8
Everything is better when its Free !
if you don't like it i'll re-crop it!
if I can't crop the Image due to Size / Quality i'll ask you for a different image.
if I take too long, I probably Failed a few times.. so i'm re-re-cropping
if you want to donate to me Thanks !