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[VB.NET] Glass Console filter_list
[VB.NET] Glass Console #1
Here is a source of Glass Console written in VB.NET Smile
Module Module1

    Private Declare Sub DwmEnableBlurBehindWindow Lib "dwmapi.dll" ( _
    ByVal hwnd As IntPtr, _
    ByRef blurBehind As DWM_BLURBEHIND)

    Private Declare Function GetConsoleWindow Lib "Kernel32.dll" () As IntPtr

    Private Structure DWM_BLURBEHIND
        Public dwFlags As DwmBlurBehindDwFlags
        Public fEnable As Boolean
        Public hRgnBlur As IntPtr
        Public fTransitionOnMaximized As Boolean
    End Structure

    Private Enum DwmBlurBehindDwFlags
        DWM_BB_ENABLE = &H1
    End Enum

    Sub Main()
        Console.Title = "Glass Console"
        DwmEnableBlurBehindWindow(GetConsoleWindow, New DWM_BLURBEHIND With {.dwFlags = DwmBlurBehindDwFlags.DWM_BB_ENABLE, .fEnable = True})
        Console.Write("Glass console")
    End Sub
End Module

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