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Tutorial Unthrottling Your Data From Mobile Carriers filter_list
Unthrottling Your Data From Mobile Carriers #1
Let's say you have an Unlimited 4G plan from some phone carrier and you use your phone as a hotspot sometimes.

Unlimited 4G unfortunately doesn't equal unlimited speeds when you start tethering. *Usually, a different tethering plan is in the way of your "unlimited speeds".

For my carrier, I can go use my phone has a mobile hotspot on LTE for around ~20 Gigabytes before I get throttled. Once you get throttled, your speed diminishes to around to 6KB/S and no one wants a 6kb/s web browsing

What I'm using for this tutorial.
*Android running Lollipop 5.1.1+
*Carrier that throttles my 4G tethering plan
*Windows 8.1

Other versions and OS's may also work, but this tutorial is being authored as a resource.

First thing you want to do is make sure you have your mobile hotspot turned off. Second thing is go into your Settings page and enable Developer options. Turn on USB debugging.

Then download PDANet+ (for USB tethering). FoxFi is for (WiFi) tethering, which works well, but will not support bypassing throttled speeds for some carriers.

*I also have the full version of PDANET+ so I don't have a data cap. It's only about $8.00 and it's a one time fee.

https://play.google.com/store/apps/detai....foxfi.key (FOXFI - FULL)
https://play.google.com/store/apps/detai...com.pdanet (PDA)
https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.foxfi (FoxFi)

What you're going to want to fdo after downloading PDANET+ is to download the client for your desktop.

The desktop client - http://pdanet.co/a/ (It's free)

Then what you do is plug in your phone to your computer and launch your PDA application on your phone. Also launch the application on your desktop.

Hit the Activate USB tethering option on the top of the phone.

[Image: yWbtObk.png]

Your desktop client should have a pop up that asks you to authorize the USB connection. Hit allow on your phone and you should be tethered.


Check Hide Tether Usage and select Level I. (Level I will work in most cases.)

You should be unthrottled now.

From here, you can change your settings to Bluetooth tethering, which I do not recommend or you can set up an ad hoc network from your computer. (You can't be tethering data from USB and simultaneously set up a WiFi set up from your *phone*.)

That's all there is to it. Now fuck off.

[+] 1 user Likes pvnk's post

RE: Unthrottling Your Data From Mobile Carriers #2
Way too high quality.


RE: Unthrottling Your Data From Mobile Carriers #3
(01-31-2016, 07:55 PM)primitiv Wrote: -snip-
Is there a way to do this with a satellite ISP? (They throttle data like that too)


RE: Unthrottling Your Data From Mobile Carriers #4
(02-02-2016, 08:54 PM)m0dem Wrote: Is there a way to do this with a satellite ISP? (They throttle data like that too)

Yes. Pay more money.


RE: Unthrottling Your Data From Mobile Carriers #5
Thanksss @primitiv would love to try this one.


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