Short Introduction to CPU 08-01-2014, 07:30 PM
CPU stand from Central Processing Unite, this is the hearth of the computer. The CPU execute instructions and manipulate data. The CPU has five components RAM, registers, buses,Arithmetic / Login Unit(ALU) and Control Unit(CU). We will look at each of the individually.
Registers – This is special type of memory which can be accessed really fast, all data must be represented in a register before it can be processed. The number of registers that a CPU has and the size of each , help determine the power and speed of a CPU. For example a 32bit CPU is one in which each register is 32 bits wide. Therefore, each CPU instruction can manipulate 32 bits of data.
Buses – Buses are the road for data. Buses are tiny wires that carry data between the components. The three buses we will take look are data, control and address bus.
RAM – Stand from Random Access Memory, this component provide a way to remember thing and a way to address them. Many time the circuitry that can remember is called latches and decoder is the circuitry that creates a way for individual memory locations to be selected.
Arithmetic / Login Unit(ALU) – This is the calculator of the CPU, this unit performs all mathematical calculations. The ALU can add, subtract, multiply, divide, and perform a host of other calculations on binary numbers.
Control Unit(CU) - this component is responsible for directing the flow of instructions and data within the CPU.
The CPU need two inputs to work – instructions and data. The instructions tells what the CPU to do with the data. The instructions are represented the same way as data, in binary system. Actually the CPUs don't make difference between data and instructions, this is why you can exploit a program but this isn't object of this tutorial. Also both inputs are stored on the same place(RAM). Here is what happens when you run a program:
1. The program(which is stored on the harddrive) is transferred to the RAM.
2. The CPU load the instructions from the RAM.
3. The CPU start processing the data.
What will happen next depend of the program and the user.
Measuring CPU speed
Instruction set
Catches Endianness
If you have any question you can leave a commend, I will answer ASAP.
Registers – This is special type of memory which can be accessed really fast, all data must be represented in a register before it can be processed. The number of registers that a CPU has and the size of each , help determine the power and speed of a CPU. For example a 32bit CPU is one in which each register is 32 bits wide. Therefore, each CPU instruction can manipulate 32 bits of data.
Buses – Buses are the road for data. Buses are tiny wires that carry data between the components. The three buses we will take look are data, control and address bus.
RAM – Stand from Random Access Memory, this component provide a way to remember thing and a way to address them. Many time the circuitry that can remember is called latches and decoder is the circuitry that creates a way for individual memory locations to be selected.
Arithmetic / Login Unit(ALU) – This is the calculator of the CPU, this unit performs all mathematical calculations. The ALU can add, subtract, multiply, divide, and perform a host of other calculations on binary numbers.
Control Unit(CU) - this component is responsible for directing the flow of instructions and data within the CPU.
The CPU need two inputs to work – instructions and data. The instructions tells what the CPU to do with the data. The instructions are represented the same way as data, in binary system. Actually the CPUs don't make difference between data and instructions, this is why you can exploit a program but this isn't object of this tutorial. Also both inputs are stored on the same place(RAM). Here is what happens when you run a program:
1. The program(which is stored on the harddrive) is transferred to the RAM.
2. The CPU load the instructions from the RAM.
3. The CPU start processing the data.
What will happen next depend of the program and the user.
Measuring CPU speed
Instruction set
If you have any question you can leave a commend, I will answer ASAP.