[TuT] How to connect to a VPN on BT5 12-20-2012, 08:50 AM
Commands :
reboot command will obviously reboot your comp and the two plugs (once rebooted) will appear in the top right corner where the icon for skype is if you have it. So congrats you got the network manager installed and up and can connect to a VPN now.
apt-get install network-manager-gnome
cp /etc/network/interfaces{,.backup}
echo ""auto lo"" > /etc/network/interfaces
echo ""iface lo inet loopback"" >> /etc/network/interfaces
service network-manager start
reboot command will obviously reboot your comp and the two plugs (once rebooted) will appear in the top right corner where the icon for skype is if you have it. So congrats you got the network manager installed and up and can connect to a VPN now.