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Thread Modes | RIP LEAFYISHERE | Bullying Drama - Massive subscriber loss filter_list
Thread Modes | RIP LEAFYISHERE | Bullying Drama - Massive subscriber loss #1
Hey guys! Don't know if someone has already posted it but LeafyIsHere posted a video yesterday about someone who had autism and he basically bullied him and sent everyone to harass him along with keemstar. H3h3 responded with a video talking about how leafy has become cancer and all his videos are bullying and clickbait. Leafy has since taken down the video but people are reuploading it. People are streaming his live subscriber count now and it's going down a lot! 



[Image: tokyo-ghoul-kick.gif]


RE: Thread Modes | RIP LEAFYISHERE | Bullying Drama - Massive subscriber loss #2
Seriously, Leafy is cool. But I don't like how he does stuff like this.
As the first video said, it targets kids and people who can't really do shit back.
❮  Let's play a little game of Russian Roulette, you load the gun I'll put it to my head. ❯
[Image: ho8QDM0.gif]


RE: Thread Modes | RIP LEAFYISHERE | Bullying Drama - Massive subscriber loss #3
Leafy is a YouTube broadcaster like any other, except the content he creates is about him roasting people. He never made fun of the guy about his condition, nor did he even know about it. It was his fans that done it, not leafy, plus he never even told his fans to go out and attack that guy.

This has happened to many YouTube broadcaster's such as KEEMSTAR and other people. So before people like you start making assumptions, go watch the video and leave Leafy alone. He never caused this, his fans did, and he doesn't have control over what his fans do so just stop.
[Image: wgyzly.png]


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