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Submit your URL to 140+ search engines filter_list
Submit your URL to 140+ search engines #1
Like told in the title:

Submit your URL to 140+ search engines!

And that's not all, you have many tools on this website too.


Have fun!

PS: Would be nice if you give me feedback!


RE: Submit your URL to 140+ search engines #2
i have a small website with an completely useless domain (http://roegy.nw.lo-net2.de/mo2/.ws_gen/) ... well actully there is a lot of crap there.. but if I search for "ζø∀ Sons of accelerating" i find it using google, but this other 10 i tried didn´t work... not even yahoo.com
maby i have to wait a bit so the servers get updated.
because i dont know how this works i just entered a fake mail adress..
so if it wont work even tomorrow or soething i think i gotta try if there is an activation link in a mail they send me.
[Image: XddgL.jpg]


RE: Submit your URL to 140+ search engines #3
@Pwnisher - nice link

@Firem1nded - Submitting doesn't get you listed. It just puts you in line to be crawled. You have to wait for the crawler to hit it first. Try searching the domain explicitly to see if it comes up. If it doesn't then the crawler hasn't reached it yet.


RE: Submit your URL to 140+ search engines #4
used it. got a few confirmation mails.. Great site.
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RE: Submit your URL to 140+ search engines #5
Sweet bro, thanks for the share....


RE: Submit your URL to 140+ search engines #6
Nice, thx man.

msglonger :epic:
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