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Steubenville Rape Case Prompts Official Website #1
Quote:A case involving rape allegations against two high school football players in Steubenville, Ohio, has grown so volatile that city and police officials have taken the unusual step of launching a website—here—to lay out the facts, reports AP. The allegations themselves are awful: Two 16-year-old boys are accused of repeatedly assaulting a passed-out girl at various parties as others looked on. (It first came to national attention last month in the New York Times.)

But the case took on a whole new dimension when the hackers of Anonymous posted a video purporting to show another male making crude jokes about the night. You can see it here via the Atlantic Wire, which reports that the teen in the video might be in trouble at his new college, Ohio State, as a result. For a larger overview of the entire case and recent developments, see Slate.

It's nice to see that the police are trying to inform the general public, but it seems more like an attempt to cover their asses if anything. Representatives of Anonymous only make the issue more public and it's certainly interesting to see why such a small case made it's appearance on headlines. I've been hearing about this on 4chan too, so it's nothing new.

Source: Huffington Post


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Steubenville Rape Case Prompts Official Website - by Edward - 01-06-2013, 05:37 PM

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