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Soldering station filter filter_list
Soldering station filter #1

Ok, so I solder allot, and I have a nice and fancy pre-built filter that I got from an all-in-1 kit, however it's not very efficient and doesn't completely work. 

So I come to you guys with my problem, i'm fully capable of making a filter myself with cloth material and a few small fans, however that's just to simple. 
I myself enjoy over-complicating things, just for the hell of it. I also thought that for the filter, I could put a pipe on either side of a modified box fan, that I've taken
apart and chopped up to spin at a higher RPM with a smaller fan blade, and have one end be suction and one end exhaust. The suction end would be on a flexible spine
mounted to the table so I can move it to weird angles and such, and the exhaust end I was thinking I could turn it into a bubbler. Kind of like blowing into a straw 
that's in a drink, however I could add different solutes into the liquid to nullify the effects, especially for some compounds like rosin which are toxic.

What are your ideas?


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