RE: Newspaper 11-16-2017, 03:13 PM
<h1>The Sinister Minister</h1>
< img src= "imageofS3xySmurfeatingabagel.jpg" alt="Whatisbagels"> #We might have to use the url method of having an image placed in the newspaper if we use the html language.
<p1>It was a cold winter morning and S3xySmurf was puffin on his cigarette slowly inhaling the cancerous endocrines. Looking outside of his window he saw a Russian flag waving in the distance. "God damned ruskies.", he thought to himself. Slowly he picked up his bagel and spread Philadelphia created. Cheese on it and proceeded to take a bite of it manlily.</p1>
# just a simple story based off of Star Wars in a format that I prophesized the News Paper would look like
Credits: My mother for always encouraging me to be great
My Uncle Timbo for making good food
OG Merlin for the bomb loud back home
Ezio for being a good kitty R.I.P
<h1>The Sinister Minister</h1>
< img src= "imageofS3xySmurfeatingabagel.jpg" alt="Whatisbagels"> #We might have to use the url method of having an image placed in the newspaper if we use the html language.
<p1>It was a cold winter morning and S3xySmurf was puffin on his cigarette slowly inhaling the cancerous endocrines. Looking outside of his window he saw a Russian flag waving in the distance. "God damned ruskies.", he thought to himself. Slowly he picked up his bagel and spread Philadelphia created. Cheese on it and proceeded to take a bite of it manlily.</p1>
# just a simple story based off of Star Wars in a format that I prophesized the News Paper would look like
Credits: My mother for always encouraging me to be great
My Uncle Timbo for making good food
OG Merlin for the bomb loud back home
Ezio for being a good kitty R.I.P