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Silver Overwatch Competitive Play permanent bans will start next week filter_list
Overwatch Competitive Play permanent bans will start next week #1
[Image: 94b1b5007a.jpg]
Next week, Blizzard will implement a new Overwatch ban system that will permanently block the worst offenders from playing Competitive.

The new Overwatch permanent bans will go in effect starting Wednesday, September 27. To earn a permanent ban, a player will have to have had three or more seasonal bans on their account.

These seasonal bans do not need to be consecutive, and they do not reset. In other words, if a player gets banned in Season 4 and 6, their next ban will set them up for a permanent ban from ever playing Competitive on the same account. An account that gets a permanent ban will never return to a good standing, either.

The new policy was outlined by community manager Josh Engen, who also reiterated the reasons why someone would get banned from a Competitive Play season.

Leaving early or being kicked for inactivity (and not reconnecting) is one reason that, when repeated, will eventually result in a seasonal ban, which could eventually lead to a permanent ban.


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