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Silver [Digaway v1.38]: Saving System Explained filter_list
[Digaway v1.38]: Saving System Explained #1
Digaway has a simple but straightfoward saving system, it also encodes the player's save file in Base64, which can easily be reverse'd using Notepad++'s MIME Plugin.

(im not that familiar with java in anyway, i used to edits simple minecraft mods so just know the basics lol)

[Image: 5PmczoecRcqiVogOemiswg.png]

[Image: Untitled.png]

this piece of code saves the items contained both in the player's inventory aswell as his chest
[Image: 0hR-n9mtSbiPXYwxR0WMKQ.png]

[Image: _dZIqludQEeDH0kkCfyR8A.png]

[Image: Untitled.png]

[Image: zZg7Y6xiQ3Or4gxXlyuP3Q.png]


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