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SSH Brute Force Tool - Testers needed filter_list
SSH Brute Force Tool - Testers needed #1
Hi everybody,

The past 2 days I've been busy creating a python SSH Brute Force testing tool and I need some experienced Linux users to test it.

Self I'm to limited with machines I'm allowed to test on. I hope to find some 'White Hat' testers over here who have more target machines they can use.

Below I'll copy the introduction text from bitbucket. If you read it and don't know what the hell it all means, don't go any further. Don't start testing it.

||           CLEVERIDGE SSH SCANNER           ||
||  IMPORTANT:                                ||
||  This tool is for ethical testing purpose  ||
||  only.                                     ||
||  Cleveridge and its owners can't be held   ||
||  responsible for misuse by users.          ||
||  Users have to act as permitted by local   ||
||  law rules.                                ||
||     Cleveridge - Ethical Hacking Lab       ||
||               cleveridge.org               ||

What is the Cleveridge SSH Scanner
The Cleveridge SSH Scanner is a SSH Brute Force tool written in python.
The tool tries to get access to machines (IPv4) on the SSH port (22).
When the machines is accesable on port 22, the tool brute forces the ssh login with the most common default user names and passwords.

The tool offers you the options to attack
- one IP
- a range of IP's (e.g.
- IP's listed in a file

!!! The tool works only in combination with Tor, Proxychains and Python !!!

At this moment the Cleveridge SSH Scanner is only tested in a Linux Kali environment with Python 2.7, Proxychains (http://proxychains.sourceforge.net/) and Tor (https://www.torproject.org/) installed.

How to use in Linux
1. Be sure you have tor and proxychains installed.
if you have problems installing these programs there is enough documentation available online.

2. Edit your proxychains configuration file:
Most of the time you will find this file at /etc/proxychains.conf
What to change...
1st : uncomment 'dynamic_chain' (remove the # in front of it)
2nd : comment 'strict_chain' and 'ramdom chain' (add a # in front of it)
3th : Below [ProxyList], add your Tor Listener settings, this could be
      socks4 9050
More info : http://www.shellhacks.com/en/Anonymous-Port-Scanning-Nmap-Tor-ProxyChains

3. Download the Cleveridge SSH Scanner files into a directory of your choise and chmod it so you are allowed to execute it.

4. Edit the 'cl_ssh_scan.py' file. On +/- line 27 change my_ip into your own real IP.

5. In Terminal, go to the Cleveridge SSH Scanner directory and execute:
   proxychains ./cl_ssh_scan.py

You can find the files on github : https://github.com/Cleveridge/cleveridge-ssh-scanner/
Cleveridge - Ethical Hacking Lab

I'm looking for freelance vulnerability testers. Interested? Contact me...


RE: SSH Brute Force Tool - Testers needed #2
You forgot to mention how much you gonna pay me nigga.


RE: SSH Brute Force Tool - Testers needed #3
(12-02-2014, 09:46 PM)Blunts Wrote: A million dollars says you wont add me on skype cause your a little vagina.

You can add me on XMPP if you want.


RE: SSH Brute Force Tool - Testers needed #4
Getting back on topic...

It looks well made, however it's the practicality of the tool that I find to be a bit low. For this to even compete with the other brute forcing tools out there it needs to be multi-threaded, which should be pretty easy to integrate.

[+] 1 user Likes Dyme's post

RE: SSH Brute Force Tool - Testers needed #5
(12-02-2014, 10:09 PM)Dyme Wrote: Getting back on topic...

It looks well made, however it's the practicality of the tool that I find to be a bit low. For this to even compete with the other brute forcing tools out there it needs to be multi-threaded, which should be pretty easy to integrate.

Thanks for getting back on topic and thanks for the reply. The coming days I will improve the tool on the basis of this kind of replies.
Cleveridge - Ethical Hacking Lab

I'm looking for freelance vulnerability testers. Interested? Contact me...


RE: SSH Brute Force Tool - Testers needed #6
(12-02-2014, 10:09 PM)Dyme Wrote: Getting back on topic...

It looks well made, however it's the practicality of the tool that I find to be a bit low. For this to even compete with the other brute forcing tools out there it needs to be multi-threaded, which should be pretty easy to integrate.

Why is everyone obsessed with threading? That's not the right way to solve a concurrency problem when only networking is involved.

Honestly, just implement asynchronous socket handling.
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[+] 1 user Likes Reiko's post

RE: SSH Brute Force Tool - Testers needed #7
(12-02-2014, 09:47 PM)dopamine Wrote: You can add me on XMPP if you want.

dont you know me and my boys rooted exploit.im its been compromised for months bro ...


RE: SSH Brute Force Tool - Testers needed #8

Why make something that had already been made 100s of times? Why not create something unique?


RE: SSH Brute Force Tool - Testers needed #9
Also, please don't abuse the report post button. It is not the site staff's job to censor "the kind of posts you [don't] like on your threads"

I did remove a few because they were off-topic, but I'm not here to be the fun police.
Sign: F202 79C9 76F7 40BB 54EC 494F 5DEF 1D70 14C1 C4CC
Encrypt: A5B3 1B21 55E1 80AF 4C6E DE83 467B 8EFC 3DEE 681C
Auth: CD55 E8A5 1A08 2933 8BA6 BC88 D81F 1943 739A 3C47


RE: SSH Brute Force Tool - Testers needed #10
(12-02-2014, 11:06 PM)B4Sh_BuLLy Wrote: Sigh...

Why make something that had already been made 100s of times? Why not create something unique?

Why criticize peoples every breath? Lol


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