SMTP Mailer - Multithreaded | TheJavaSea 07-24-2021, 09:00 AM
Multithreaded SMTP Mailer!
Send Automated Bulk Emails To Your Customers.
List Options:
- Import Emails From CSV.
- Add HTML/ Plain Text messages.
- Statistics Display Total Emails, Emails Sent, Emails Not Sent, and Failed Emails.
- Show Logs / Last Error Logs.
- Specify Number Of Emails To be Sent From each SMTP Server.
- TLS 1.3 Mode
- Reset Database ( Start Sending From beginning by Using "Reset all emails when all are sent").
- Reset Failed Emails when all are sent ("Re-Send Failed Emails").
- Send All Option Which Automates the process and you can use sub options "Reset Failed Emails when all are sent" or use "Reset all emails when all are sent" .
- Waiting Time (Limit).