[Release]FUD Crypter EnDeCryption Method 09-04-2011, 06:05 AM #1
Not telling where i got it from, but i guarantee its fun, no one else in the world has the same method except me....and the ACE members at Hackcommunity
Please do not leak outside of here, or else it will become un-FUD.
ps: written in C-sharp(i think), you use then when coding a crypter, you use this as the method
public static byte[] RC4EnDeCrypt(byte[] plaintxt, byte[] password)
byte[] buffer = new byte[plaintxt.Length + 1];
int[] sbox = new int[0x101];
int index = 0;
int num3 = 0;
RC4Initialize(password, ref sbox);
int num6 = plaintxt.Length - 1;
for (int i = 0; i <= num6; i++)
index = (index + 1) % 0x100;
num3 = (num3 + sbox[index]) % 0x100;
int num5 = sbox[index];
sbox[index] = sbox[num3];
sbox[num3] = num5;
int num4 = sbox[(sbox[index] + sbox[num3]) % 0x100];
plaintxt[i] = (byte) (plaintxt[i] ^ Convert.ToByte(num4));
return plaintxt;
protected static void RC4Initialize(byte[] key, ref int[] sbox)
int num5;
int length = key.Length;
int index = 0;
sbox[index] = index;
num5 = 0xff;
while (index <= num5);
int num2 = 0;
index = 0;
num2 = ((num2 + sbox[index]) + key[index % length]) % 0x100;
int num4 = sbox[index];
sbox[index] = sbox[num2];
sbox[num2] = num4;
num5 = 0xff;
while (index <= num5);