Rant- SupremeDEATH 10-19-2016, 05:59 PM
Honestly it's starting to get fairly annoying seeing everyone complain about SBB's lack of activity. If you truly do fear for SBB and want to bring activity back it actually takes being active to do so... :1f60f: Stop whining and saying things such as "SBB iz DED GuuyZ!" and start posting threads for new discussions and trying to be active yourself before shunning the amounts of activity. It takes threads for discussions they won't just randomly poof into the subs. So if you are one of these users you are honestly one of the causes of the lack of activity. Stop bitching and start posting. If everyone were to say post one thread every other day that could be at least ten threads/discussion topics per day. I'm not saying create some OMEGA high quality tutorial for a thread everyday but if you can't think of something for a thread/discussion literally just post anything in the general open discussion. It doesn't have to be some mindblowingly high quality thread. If it's not random junk, makes sense, and will start a discussion then post it. I know for one I am somewhat of a hypocrite here because I do not have many threads but I am going to start posting more. Just like I already stated if you do not have any ideas just chill in the open discussion. So stop bitching if you are one of these users and get posting op. ;o