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Random google wanna be's User dump filter_list
Random google wanna be's User dump #1

INSERT INTO `User` (`Username`, `Password`, `FirstName`, `MiddleName`, `LastName`, `Address`, `Email`, `ContactNo`, `LastLogOut`, `Course`, `YearLevel`, `IDNo`) VALUES
('thulium168', 'cecec3ec436bf58a4ecce3e179835e25ff691f3e', 'Jerick22', 'Dond2', 'San Juan2', 'adhiu', 'bagoemail', '12983129', '2008-03-22 13:44:21', 'bs cs cs cs', 55, '888'),
('djsison22mmr', '7110eda4d09e062aa5e4a390b0a572ac0d2c0220', 'Daryl Johnas', 'De Leon', 'Sison2', 'Laguna2', 'djsison22mmr@gmail.com', '1513165', '2008-03-22 13:12:17', 'BS CS', 3, '2005-46136'),
('tayapski', 'ilabsyomayee', 'Tayap', 'S', 'Kipap', 'Pasay', 'moonseraph128@gmail.com', '231314', '0000-00-00 00:00:00', 'BS CS', 3, NULL),
('moelester', 'chicksnimoe', 'Moe', 'Lester', 'Patri', 'Las Pinas', 'moe_16@yahoo.com', '682111', '0000-00-00 00:00:00', '', 3, NULL),
('bearnababe', 'baboyako', 'Jaric', 'Baboy', 'Yan', 'QC', 'jaricbernabe@yahoo.com', '3791911', '0000-00-00 00:00:00', '', 3, NULL),
('milakulo', 'mmmmmm', 'Ate', 'Mila', 'sa CS', 'QC', 'miraramos@gmail.com', '1317912', '0000-00-00 00:00:00', '', 0, NULL),
('manongguard', 'mmmmmm', 'Manong', 'Guard', 'ng CS', 'Mexico', 'richardmarts@gmail.com', '6781521', '0000-00-00 00:00:00', '', 0, NULL),
('libyariyan', 'mmmmmm', '', '', '', 'Pasig', 'krisdimaano@gmail.com', '1211212', '0000-00-00 00:00:00', '', 0, NULL),
('carebest12', 'mmmmmm', 'Care', 'Best', 'ng CS', 'San Juan, Manila', 'juant@gmail.com', '7658908', '0000-00-00 00:00:00', '', 0, NULL),
('labamba', 'mmmmmm', 'La', 'Bam', 'Ba', 'Manila', 'carlitz@gmail.com', '7965489', '0000-00-00 00:00:00', '', 0, NULL),
('malayko', '6bb4f504ae8c6606d86b299f9d18692ecefaa34f', 'Malay', 'Ko', 'Sau', NULL, 'aaa', NULL, '2008-03-21 00:00:00', '', 0, NULL),
('adad', 'dwadawd', 'A', 'd', 'D', 'aad', 'wadwdawd', '13123123', '0000-00-00 00:00:00', '', 0, NULL),
('ralph', 'e484f704ebcaff3648c4b822cf9128b4908aec8a', 'Frances Ralph', 'De Leon', 'Sison', 'Laguna City', 'wolfgang24amadeus@yahoo.com', '1827319237', '2008-03-22 01:36:29', 'bs cs kunwari', 4, '99-15263'),
('gret', '6bb4f504ae8c6606d86b299f9d18692ecefaa34f', 'sison', 'gretel', 'sison', 'daoijdaoijd', '12893719237', '9827398127', '2008-03-22 01:36:55', '', NULL, NULL),
('steph', '6bb4f504ae8c6606d86b299f9d18692ecefaa34f', 'Stephanie', 'DL', 'Sison', 'laguna', 'steph@yahu', '091954644', '2008-03-22 01:23:13', '', NULL, NULL),
('raul', '6bb4f504ae8c6606d86b299f9d18692ecefaa34f', 'Raul', 'Ro', 'Cco', 'laguna', 'raulrocco@gmail', '9012830912', '0000-00-00 00:00:00', '', NULL, NULL),
('yoly', '6bb4f504ae8c6606d86b299f9d18692ecefaa34f', 'Yolanda', 'De Leon', 'Sison', 'laguna', 'yloy@yahoo', '823719823', '0000-00-00 00:00:00', '', NULL, NULL),
('beanijohnlloyd', '6bb4f504ae8c6606d86b299f9d18692ecefaa34f', 'Bea', 'Chen', 'San Juan', 'Diliman', 'beajohnlloyd@gmail.com', '0919666666', '2008-03-21 00:00:00', '', NULL, NULL),
('new', '6bb4f504ae8c6606d86b299f9d18692ecefaa34f', 'new', 'lang po', 'ito', 'aidjadoij', 'dhdhdhdh', '123123', '2008-03-21 21:20:39', '', NULL, NULL);
[Image: yTHZBDS.png]


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