RSS_BOT United Socialist Party of Venezuela's twitter account hacked 11-09-2012, 03:09 PM
United Socialist Party of Venezuela's twitter account hacked
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LulzSec Peru hack the official twitter account ( @partidopsuv ) of the United Socialist Party of Venezuela (PSUV), in the evening hours of Thursday. Hackers start twitting from hacked account, “No to communism. Corrupt Chavez get out.”
In a blog post Party people announce that their twitter account is compromised and "Unfortunately this type of attacks, which are part of the
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LulzSec Peru hack the official twitter account ( @partidopsuv ) of the United Socialist Party of Venezuela (PSUV), in the evening hours of Thursday. Hackers start twitting from hacked account, “No to communism. Corrupt Chavez get out.”
In a blog post Party people announce that their twitter account is compromised and "Unfortunately this type of attacks, which are part of the
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