RSS_BOT Tunisians Voice - Nawaat Portal hacked 11-15-2012, 03:04 PM
Tunisians Voice - Nawaat Portal hacked
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Kosova Warriors Group deface a subdomain ( of Nawaat Portal.. Its an independent collective blog hosted by Tunisians. It gives a voice to all those who, through their civic engagement, take the cover and spread. Our editorial decisions are guided by among other concerns that affect the lives of our countrymen and our fellow man.
It seems that
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Kosova Warriors Group deface a subdomain ( of Nawaat Portal.. Its an independent collective blog hosted by Tunisians. It gives a voice to all those who, through their civic engagement, take the cover and spread. Our editorial decisions are guided by among other concerns that affect the lives of our countrymen and our fellow man.
It seems that
Staff will never ever ask you for your personal information.
We know everything about you anyway.
We know everything about you anyway.