RSS_BOT Bug Hunters have Windows 8 Zeroday Exploit 11-01-2012, 09:07 PM
Bug Hunters have Windows 8 Zeroday Exploit
<!-- adsense -->French security researcher firm and famous bug hunters at Vupen announced that it had already developed an exploit that could take over a Window 8 machine running Internet Explorer 10, in spite of the many significant security upgrades Microsoft built into the latest version of its operating system.
Windows 8 operating system released last week, and now Microsoft itself has not
<!-- adsense -->French security researcher firm and famous bug hunters at Vupen announced that it had already developed an exploit that could take over a Window 8 machine running Internet Explorer 10, in spite of the many significant security upgrades Microsoft built into the latest version of its operating system.
Windows 8 operating system released last week, and now Microsoft itself has not
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