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Popular opinion of what sexuality is right? 12-23-2012, 11:23 PM
Where I live gay and bi people are becoming more and more accepted. I'm sure this isn't true everywhere though, so I'd like to know what you think about sexuality. Personally, I realize it's not a choice who you fall in love with, and therefor I do not care what sex you are attracted to.
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RE: Popular opinion of what sexuality is right? 12-23-2012, 11:35 PM
I honestly don't care if someone is gay or straight.
However I still don't enjoy seeing men groping each other in public, it's gross.
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RE: Popular opinion of what sexuality is right? 12-24-2012, 12:09 AM
I personally have no problem with them, as long as they don't come on to me. I was once threatened by a gay boy though. He said he wouldn't let me get to my locker until I had sex with him. Lost my shit at that point.
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RE: Popular opinion of what sexuality is right? 12-24-2012, 12:29 AM
There's no right sexuality as we're not the only life existences which have intercourse with the same sex. Although, technically the so called, right, sexuality would be man and women, obviously as they're reproductive. Most scientists believe that the point of life itself it to only reproduce. But at the same time, I think anyone that is apparently disgusted at those who prefer the same sex are in themselves disgusting, pathetic and ignorant. I'd have to say the right sexuality would be straight mainly because of the reproductive features, but I do not think there's a wrong sexuality.
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RE: Popular opinion of what sexuality is right? 12-24-2012, 11:48 PM
I don't have a problem if you are gay or not.
It's your choice
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RE: Popular opinion of what sexuality is right? 12-25-2012, 11:36 PM
Well, i don't care what sexuality someone is. That's their private business and i don't have the right to judge them, actually nobody has that right. As long as they don't try to force that into myself though :l