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Passive Service Ideas filter_list
Passive Service Ideas #1
Hello gents and dames!
A friend of mine recently gifted me these USB devices, which wipes a drive completely using military grade technology. He told me there is free software which can do the job equally as well, but these allow you to not require an external computer. Since he gave me 7 of these. I had the idea to offer this as a service. Wiping drives and restoring them completely. I knew wiping a drive is usually done incorrectly, not fully erasing the content and data previously stored. So having the capability to ensure the customer the drive is wiped is really valuable. I realized this could become a passive business, as multiple computers can be wiped simultaneously and be monitored by 1 individual.

I am currently designing the adverts to market this service, however I have began to embrace the idea of having a small cyber security agency, which can begin by offering similar services which are easy to teach to non-tech savvy employees, require no expert qualifications to execute, are quality driven and most importantly that the service can become passive.

ANY ideas are welcomed and ANY advise is encouraged.


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