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PUNCHMADE filter_list
PunchMadeDev, ObnDev, Devon Isaak T.

He is the internet's most famous/mainstream scammer this decade, allegedly helping every one of his fans become a multi-millionaire scammer.  and for only 200 $ the guide is yours. let me save you those 200 hard-earned bucks by telling you that the first 3 steps include you sending, Mr. Devon 300 $ more.

But how did it all come to this?
Devon Isaak T. was born on the 16th, of October 2000. he was raised in a small city named Lexington in the zip code 40514 (would've said his address but I think that goes against TOS here) in the state of North Carolina. before becoming a famous scammer rapper, he was a well-known 2k17 youtube by the name of ``DevTakeFlight´´ and within a year, he amassed a following of 100.000 subscribers.
he then began to publish music under the alias of OBN Dev publishing music such as ``Scam Jesus,  Scam Bible, Grab a Piece, and Scam Legends. Later on (idk why but might be to sort of start over again?) changed his name to Punchmade Dev and began to publish music. he is mainly known for his outlandish lyrics and step to step tutorial on how to commit fra/ud. his first ``breakout number`` was long live heather (under his newly changed alias Punchmade)

you are the method...
the brutal, cold, and uncomfortable truth

his cash app ¨¨glitch¨¨  as said before you're likely getting scammed as in you will not receive anything but what you receive is just a really basic

bUt BuT iN hIS vIDEoS, hE ExPlANs hOw tO Do fRaU/D sO hE mUsT bE fOR reAl!!!!!
although yes he explains how to do it, if you were to try it how he explains it you will get caught 100 percent of the time.
it's pretty funny that in his interview with Tommy G he ¨¨cashouts¨¨  a dump, he's actually just withdrawing from his (we can see this because we know his name and in a split second we can see the atm clearly say ¨¨welcome devon¨

I will end this by stating that is a federal crime both check, credit card, and identity fraud which can lead to up to 20 years.


I got his cashapp "glitch" it's just basic knowledge and telling you to use an OTP bot

[+] 1 user Likes yowsgoodie's post

Very smart kid. Respect Biggrin


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