My personal tutorial on "How do i get a girl to like me?" 07-27-2011, 05:18 AM
Hello, my name is Jacob. Many of you may now me as the fellow who shared a shit ton of random shit for about two weeks, then became extremely inactive, well secretly i'm pretty much Austin Powers (but successful). Many of you out there may be unsuccessful with getting females to like you (or whatever your plans may be), well i'm here today, writing for you, a tutorial on how to get a girl you like, to like you back. You may check out my facebook page (maybe even as proof that i got bitches) here:
Index: Highly recommended, Manditory, Option of last resort
The Method:
Index: Highly recommended, Manditory, Option of last resort
- A Facebook
- A cell phone (preferably with unlimited text and sometime unlimited minutes)
- Some sort of fun, teachable hobby (such as skateboarding[this is mine], football, basketball, bmx, rollerblading, etc)
- A small jacket which is in good condition, yet worn at least twice a month
- Cologne (preferred labels are: Black by Rue 21, Metro Black by Rue 21, Any other make by Rue 21, Curve Crush for men)
- More than one favorited shirt
- More than one favorited pair of basketball shorts/boxers
- Some kind of sweetness in your heart
- A knack for compliment giving
- Great listening skills (equal or better googling skills also, if you are not good with advice)
- If you do not have the last 3 then some good lying talent, and a good imagination.
The Method:
- Find a girl you like and add her as a friend on Facebook.
- After you have done that spark up a conversation with her by saying something of the sort "hey, i was admittedly creeping on your pictures, and well..i think you're really cute/pretty" (or beautiful). She may reply with "Aww, thank you<3", "thanks", "you're pretty cute yourself", and so on. If she says you're cute too, right off the bat. This is going to be much easier for you.
- After the initial confrontation, just spark up a conversation with one of these: "so, tell me a bit about yourself?(:" , "do you have a cell phone?(:" (if so, ask her "may i have your number please?") Remember to ALWAYS be sincere and pleasant when talking to her.
- Just keep talking to her over Facebook, and sometimes text messaging.
- When talking over facebook, use smileys and such [(:,<3,
,c:,:3] etc etc
- DO NOT be boring to her. Always compliemnt her on new pictures she posts. Make inside jokes with her, joke around about things. Tag her in posts with insiders.
- Justbe yourself, and talk to her about everything. If she is feeling upset say something like "is something wrong? if so, you know you can talk to me about it... i can be a great listener and if need be; i could maybe help you out. A secret betwen you and i if you'd like(:" She may ask you to call her, DO NOT HESITIATE. Just say "yes ma'am(girls love it when you say yes ma'am), give me like 5 minutes" Then call her beautiful ass.
- Talk to her, about what is upsetting her of course and say its a guy (dont get on the offense if its a guy), give her the best advice you can scrounge up and be sensitive about it. Say a guy is hurting her, try pitching this: "(say her name), he doesn't deserve you. He obviously doesn't care about you as much as he may say he does. If he keeps hurting you and putting you through all of this. A girl like you deserves much better than what he gives you. personally, i'd kill to be able to call a woman like you mine. (she'll think thats cute)" After that, just let the creative juices of your mind flow. Although do not take the flirting too far. Just make her feel special and be sweet to her. Let her know you're there for her and that she actually means something to you and that you aren't there to hurt her.
- Hang out with her, whereever SHE wants to, and whenever SHE wants to. If you can't do it..just let her know and ask her for other plans. YOU DO NOT make plans with HER. SHE MAKES PLANS WITH YOU. Although that doesn't mean you cannot ask if you two can hang out somewhere. Most females these days hate being taken to the movies and to the mall, those two places are used too much when guys hang out with her. If you skateboard, say invite her to a skatepark and while you two are together, attempt to "teach her to skate" If she says she can't or she'll fall, just tell her you'll catch her; and that'll you'll be right beside her. One hand in lock with hers, the other behind her, on her lower back waist area. (this is my method) Do something that will cause her to fall, but be there, right behind her. CATCH HER and let her know its okay i got you.
- After hanging out for a while and talking to her for about 4 weeks(yes its a long process) let her know that over the time you two have been talking and hanging out and such, that you've started to like her a little bit. She my think its cute, and tell you she likes you too or talk to her bestfriend. Dont be all snoopy and start asking around if she likes you. You will be able to tell by her reactions and such.
- Invite her over, go over to her house. When you're with her, be comedic and goofy. Just not to the point where it is annoying. Let her have her way...for example. If she wants to draw on you, let her. If he wants to play or braid your hair, let her. She wants food, offer to make her food, NO MATTER WHAT IT IS.(thats if you can cook.) Pretty much be her bitch when you're with her, but have fun with it. Compliment her in person, "you have really pretty eyes" etc etc
- I will update this with more information tomorrow after i skate a little. Im all tired and shit tonight...and well. This covers about 2 weeks of stuff. So i dont think people are going to get too far ahead of this tutorial overnight (; Night everyone! PM ME IF I FORGET TO UPDATE THIS TUT!!!