RE: My Life is Being Destroyed by a Horrible Divorce any help or advice is needed badly! 10-13-2020, 10:28 AM
(10-11-2020, 10:38 PM)AtomCell Wrote: Nothing I say will make it better but, learn to meditate. Honestly. Search for Samadhi - yogic practrice. This is the only source you will find peace in your life: Inside yourself. Your children, wife, are not your own. Sorry to say it like that but its the dead truth. Nobody owns anybody, not even our children. The sad honest truth is, you are not alone. I've been there. There are others too. I was there as a child and I was there as an adult. Its taken me years, to get over the losses and the sacrifices I made just make my stomach wrech into the worst pain I have ever felt. At least the kids are yours. And as long as you can connect as an adult with them, everything will be fine. You do not need the wife, you deserve better. She has some issues internally and like most people, seek to find resolve externally. Meaning thru substance, material, possessions. Living a life in need is a life of suffering.
What my experience taught me is, you cannot trust anyone. I have no friends, no family, not worth having at least. The toxicity and stench is undeniable, so I HAD to leave... for my own health. I had to learn that the whole time I was putting her and the kids first, was not the way. That is simply an unsustainable relationship dynamic. Most of our culture, is trained to be employees, and sheep... we do as others do. It is time YOU, wake up. FOR YOU. Im sorry, there is just no easy way to walk this path, no easy way to identify it for another, no easy way to say it to his or her face. This is mostly why I have very little contact with people now. I feel for you. I really do, my heart has been broken for goin on twenty years now and I still struggle to let go, because of how much I love... how much I loved our family, our children (so I thought), how happy I was to make the sacrifices to put them first, because THEY, were my point of joy. My source of life. The worst thing is, when society and others, moch you and tell ya your a dead beat piece of shit daddy... who can't please his wife... Nothing hurts more than the accusations that are NOT true.
Best thing for you is to get a few books, move to a location where you are alone, and stay single for at LEAST 5 years before dating again!!! I cannot stress that enough!
Some good read are:
meditation and the ART of dying
the power of now
becoming supernaturual
and start your own research AND practice into
wikipedia Samadhi
Start to learn about the law of attraction and your abilty to influence Quanta, attract what you desire. I encourage and CHALLENGE you to humbly do your homework into changing the way you think, control your thinking, control your feeling, and seek your god given destiny.
I have had it all, forever, Ive had enough. I emplore you to have your identity revealed to you, thru self discovery. So you can start to achieve your destiny. Your TRUE purpose here on planet Earth.
'Learn to let go of what you cannot'
Best thing I have for you man is to learn to meditate and you will INSTANTLY remove that feeling in your dantian, your gut. that feeling that makes you sick and want to puke or jump off a bridge. I don't know how to teach you, but I can tell you it has to do with your mind and mind body connection, simply being at peace and rest, and focusing on your breathing... deep, slow, in and out. when your mind enters pre rem, and you are mind awake body asleep, you will have powerful experiences, information channeling to you. You will learn to attract it, as it is all around you. When you can attract it, you will heal from all this. Best way I can describe. Your mind is liek a radio transeiver... hone in your freq... learn about charaks, the dantian, and root chakra and Aim to have a GROUNDING experience. Nothing else has helped me reaslize my source, or nature. Nothing else helped me instantly feel better. Nothing else helped me to realize the truth. That the past, nor future exist, and all you have is now. So learn to be in that moment. Im sorry brother. for your loss and suffering. I really truly am. I can relate all too well.
My goodness, I can't stop the tears in my eyes. Thank you so much brother! My life has just crumbled worse than ever before, right before you wrote this. It could not have come at a better time. It hurts and pains me to hear you even apologize, but part of my heart lights up again knowing I'm not alone and you held on, and are now here to tell me and guide me in such a way. I wish I could take your pain away and this didn't happen to you or me, but we all know this is a cruel world sometimes. I can promise you this, I will do everything you listed and said, cause I know I will find "my" way again. And the time to focus on me is almost at hand. But first this needs to be said.....
I don't care about the the money, pensions, things, that are stolen, destroyed, or gone. I began reaching out to members here again for some type of help or knowledge to guide me to do it, and it's for these reasons:. Christmas time came and I was able to meet up with my son, who is 8 now, at the library. I had to borrow money to get my son gifts, we didn't have much time and it was a library. My son left with his Mother and her sister in law, two very cruel women, I was watching them leave and they pulled up to a dumpster and took the gifts out and threw them away. I could hear him scream and cry, to no care by them, as they continued to drive away. Paperwork was filed, I cannot afford an attorney, and the motion still sits because of Covid. Then the day after Father's day of this year, I'm on a Court mandated video call with my son (my daughters are 17, 18). My soon to be ex wants him off the phone, we get 2 hours, and he knows. He is acknowledging her slightly but wants to stay on with me. Long story short, after several threats, that's she is going to leave, she shuts the lights off, leaving him in the dark and shuts the bedroom door locking him in. I got him though, got him to be brave as I'm call 911 and he's using his iPad for light. Right when he gets to the door, she jumps out, knocks the iPad out of his hands and begins to spank him. Police get there, and they are gone, eventually they are tracked down only to be told it was discipline because he wouldn't listen and I was making him disobey. Um, I'm a little smarter than that, I got most of it on camera. And here we sit waiting for Court, but no more. I have been around the Court system enough and know how to file a motion. And I have a few going in this week. But, brothers and sisters, if there are any willing to help with some Justice, she did fill 40 grand up in CC and took her name off, stold one pension, and filed false papers in the other, to the point my credit is shot and I have no money in then account and make 1,000 as a disabled Veteran/Police Officer. A lot of you are super skilled, to the point I have called you modern day superheroes, if there's any help, assistance, justice, or anything you can assist me with, I will be eternally grateful. I will do what was written here also, I will do it tons tee. I fought for freedom and I did my job the right way. I do have a Purple Heart and a Medal of Honor. I have to finish this fight for my son, and pray the ex gets help. I am his Father and as broken as I am, I have to stand up for what's right. I told the ex she can take me out in a field and beat me with a bat, just don't take it out on our children. I have not seen my kids on any holiday, birthday, break in over a year. I missed both of my son's birthdays because she refused to let me go. I thank you all. All honor and respect to you! And a very special thanks to the original poster. Know , I will do this for you and with you. And I am eternally grateful for taking the time to show me I'm not alone and more importantly, how to heal. Bless you all, I hope some can help.
Respectfully Submitted,