Eleven Years of Service
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More Awards 10-18-2013, 06:43 PM
I think SL should have a lot more awards.
Awards are many member favorite things, like me.
I know that Oni is too lazy to do things like this, but I would do it all for him.
I would make a list of the Names|Description|Icon
Then he would just have to take out the ones he didn't like and add them.
Twelve Years of Service
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RE: More Awards 10-18-2013, 08:49 PM
I have to second this, considering the majority are:
Doing things FOR the site, not on.
and Oni's preferences on you, sorry to be so outright but its rather true.
Twelve Years of Service
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RE: More Awards 10-18-2013, 09:32 PM
I support this, hopefully more awards get added!
Twelve Years of Service
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RE: More Awards 10-18-2013, 11:37 PM
For a forum this size I think we have plenty awards that members can shoot for.
Dont like me? Oh well, go play in traffic.
Eleven Years of Service
Posts: 78
Threads: 6
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RE: More Awards 10-19-2013, 12:56 AM
I don't want awards, just gadgets or something that makes me feel like I got a Christmas present.. not some socks
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