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Money #1
I didn't have a ranting thread last night so I think I might put another one after this if I can think of a good topic to talk about.

Money, where the fuck to begin. Who doesn't complain about money? If you don't, you're not human at all. Let's face it, everyone wants more money and wants to make more money. If money wasn't something we wanted, we'd do nothing, sit at home, and eventually get kicked out and live on the streets and fight for survival. However, when complaining about it, please put it into good context at least. Too many times do I see people complaining about money, yet they gamble it away or purchase unnecessary items (new clothes, gifts, cars, etc.).

I have a friend that has been in a money situation for the last 5 years and he struggles to get by, but still manages to find ways to squeeze it out. I understand that he doesn't make a lot of money and has to help pay the mortgage on the house and pay for whatever activities that he is involved in, but he gambles way too much in hope that he hits big. Recently, he's been borrowing money from people and holding "pools" for sporting events to help make some extra cash. However, there was a huge incident where he used the pool money to help him squeak through his bills and gambling. He had to ask another person to lend him the money to make up for what was lost in the pool. This was a huge disaster and I'm pretty sure he almost got called out on this big time. Yet again, he squeaked by and got through the whole shindig.

Now, he has taken out a line of credit and only has to pay the bank now....so it seems. He still gambles and still owes a couple people money. He then took out ANOTHER line of credit and is now up to 2 banks with 5,000 credit lines each. I really hope he doesn't fall into a huge problem with the banks because this could cause problems and I pray the IRS doesn't come knocking at his door. He could claim bankruptcy, but I do believe his mom and dad have both done that so I'm really not too sure how that is going to go down. He's doing better now since he's hitting a couple bets and paying people back, but I just hope that he gets to that even spot and just checks everything down to normal. I seriously pray for this guy a lot since he's my best friend and means well, but just makes a lot of mistakes with money.

Another thing that "grinds my gears" is when people purchase the most pointless shit. This one guy I know is a total moron and is one of those "I have swag" and "Bitches love me" kinda people, but everyone actually hates this kid. I don't mean to reign on his parade, but he really is an idiot. He bought an Acura Integra for $700 and take note that this car is falling apart as I type. Brakes are worn down ($$$), needs a re-alignment ($$$), and there's more but I can't really think of everything right now ($$$$$$$$$$$). Those dollar signs are me implying more money invested into the car. This guy doesn't do anything other than landscaping and smoke pot as well as collect disability checks. He makes a fair amount, but not enough to have another car. Yes, ANOTHER car since he already has one. The other car isn't in that much better condition, but it's way better than this Integra. He just "wanted" an Integra and in my opinion he thought this would make him "cool" and "fit in" with some people. Honestly, I laugh when I see his car clanking through Route 9.

Overall, I find that when people have money, they abuse it often and isn't really appreciated and for those that do appreciate every dollar they make, they will be the ones that succeed in the end, but probably will struggle through the beginning.

To be honest, I do at times spend money that I don't have, but I always pay my parents back and it's not a reoccurring situation and never anything more than a couple hundred. My dad does have a pretty wealthy lifestyle, but with certain family issues we've struggled a bit to get through (nothing related to bills). I appreciate every penny I make and I do make financial mistakes, but that's why I'm human.


RE: Money #2
Always fun to read a good rant. Tongue Keep them up.
Get creative: Makestation
Make some money: RevenueHerald.com


RE: Money #3
Thanks Guardian. I really like long write ups and as long as you guys like them too, I'll keep doing them.


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