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[Lua/Help]Download file filter_list
[Lua/Help]Download file #1
Hi, so, recently I started to learn Lua

Well... I'm beginner and I wanted to test somet, so I c/p a code from http://www.lua.org/pil/9.4.html

Well.. I know it makes me a skid to c/p but well... I need sometimes something working to keep my interest Biggrin

Anyway... here is the code:
require "luasocket"
      -- require "luasocket"
       threads = {}    -- list of all live threads
function get (host, file)
      -- create coroutine
      local co = coroutine.create(function ()
        download(host, file)
      -- insert it in the list
      table.insert(threads, co)

    function download (host, file)
      local c = assert(socket.connect(host, 80))
      local count = 0    -- counts number of bytes read
      c:send("GET " .. file .. " HTTP/1.0\r\n\r\n")
      while true do
        local s, status = receive(c)
        count = count + string.len(s)
        if status == "closed" then break end
    function receive (connection)
      connection:timeout(0)   -- do not block
      local s, status = connection:receive(2^10)
      if status == "timeout" then
      return s, status
function dispatcher ()
      while true do
        local n = table.getn(threads)
        if n == 0 then break end   -- no more threads to run
        local connections = {}
        for i=1,n do
          local status, res = coroutine.resume(threads[i])
          if not res then    -- thread finished its task?
            table.remove(threads, i)
          else    -- timeout
            table.insert(connections, res)
        if table.getn(connections) == n then
host = "site"
get(host, "/file")

Now... the script doesn't seem to do its work for some reason, the require = "luasocket" gives error, so I guess I will need to add reference somehow Smile

Also, if it downloads, to what dirrectory? and how can I change it?

Thanks alot!!!

Have a great day!
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