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Login Multiple Skype Accounts at the Same Time filter_list
Login Multiple Skype Accounts at the Same Time #1
Assalam O Alaikum... 2day am goin to tell U how to Login Multiple Skype Accounts at the same time..

now a days most of d people have more than 1 skype Account for several reasons
( don't ask me d reasons plz (^_^) )

Its not possible to log into no.of Skype Accounts at a time..

bt U can made it possible by following my instructions... Wink

? Go to Skype installation path on your computer

Example: C:\Program Files\Skype\Phone

? Right Click on Skype.exe icon

Select Send to –> Desktop(create shortcut)

Now it will create a Skype shortcut on your desktop

? Right Click on the Skype icon which you have newly created

? select Properties

In target feild, at the end of the path give a space and followed by the text /Secondary

dint get? den look at d image below..

tutorial video:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=81XHAnYlxuM

don't forget to like & Comments.... :Smile:


RE: Login Multiple Skype Accounts at the Same Time #2
it's old but good :Confused:


RE: Login Multiple Skype Accounts at the Same Time #3
nice sharing.i am looking for it i know about browser but dnt knw about skype thanks for help Wink


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