RE: Let's see your desktop 05-10-2013, 08:28 PM #9
Here be mine using Kubuntu 12.04-LTS Experimental from Blue Systems in Germany. Everything on top looks like the average Kubuntu install. Underneath however is where all of the experimental comes in version wise as every 4,998 of my packages are from an in house Repository used for my package base. Including what I hand build myself into applicable Debian packages for install.
Spartan, yet simple and completely functional for the work flow.
@"MrGeek" is using the Unity Desktop Environment by the tell tale sign of the "applications bar" located on the left of the screen.
@"Ex094" I would be guessing to be using Gnome's Fallback Session or a highly customized version Extension wise to obtain the Taskbar at the top and bottom of the screen.
Nice to see fellow LInux'ers are more prevalent here than what I originally thought.