Let's Play: The Lie Game 03-30-2013, 05:00 PM
Lie To Me - you post 3 things about yourself, people guess which is the lie.
I'll start:
1) I eat bacon.
2) I'm different in RL then how I am on a forum.
3) I own 4 guinea pigs.
How to play:
- Try to guess wich one the lie is from the person above you
- in the same post, include three things about yourself and one of them being a lie
- the person who posts below you guesses the lie and posts 3 things about himself.
I'll start:
1) I eat bacon.
2) I'm different in RL then how I am on a forum.
3) I own 4 guinea pigs.
How to play:
- Try to guess wich one the lie is from the person above you
- in the same post, include three things about yourself and one of them being a lie
- the person who posts below you guesses the lie and posts 3 things about himself.