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Just Some Fooling Around filter_list
Just Some Fooling Around #1
A simple app I created in a few minutes earlier today while I was bored, (this is emulation in Paint):

[Image: LjMKc.gif]

[Image: t1Gqy.gif]

[Image: 9JNtQ.gif]
"Object oriented way to get rich? Inheritance"
Getting Started: C/C++ | Common Mistakes
[ Assembly / C++ / .NET / Haskell / J Programmer ]


RE: Just Some Fooling Around #2
Can you post the source code?


RE: Just Some Fooling Around #3
Haha, nice. Smile
Is it looping your mouse actions?
[Image: rytwG00.png]
Redcat Revolution!


RE: Just Some Fooling Around #4
Here's the source:
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.IO;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
using System.Windows.Forms;
using System.Threading;

namespace CSharp_Project
    public partial class Form1 : Form

        public Form1()
            //TopMost = true;

        private enum MOUSEEVENTF
            ABSOLUTE = 0x8000,
            LEFTDOWN = 0x0002,
            LEFTUP = 0x0004,
            MIDDLEDOWN = 0x0020,
            MIDDLEUP = 0x0040,
            MOVE = 0x0001,
            RIGHTDOWN = 0x0008,
            RIGHTUP = 0x0010,
            WHEEL = 0x0800,
            XDOWN = 0x0080,
            XUP = 0x0100

        private const int e_interval = 0;
        private const int e_speed = 2;

        [DllImport("USER32.DLL", EntryPoint = "mouse_event", SetLastError = true)]
        private unsafe static extern void mouse_event(
                                                      MOUSEEVENTF dwFlags,
                                                      int dx,
                                                      int dy,
                                                      int dwData,
                                                      UInt64* dwExtraInfo

        private unsafe void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            new Thread(StartEvents).Start();

        private unsafe void StartEvents()
            Thread.Sleep(2000); //Initial delay time before starting

            UInt64 NullInt = 0;
            int[] disp = { 0, 0 };

            for (int i = 1; i < 10; i++)
                IEnumerable<int[]> fPoints = File.ReadAllLines(@"D:\file_points.txt")
                                                    .Select(ln => new int[] { Convert.ToInt32(ln.Split(',')[0]),
                                                                             Convert.ToInt32(ln.Split(',')[1]) });
                foreach (int[] pts in fPoints)
                    mouse_event(MOUSEEVENTF.MOVE, pts[0], pts[1], 0, &NullInt);

                mouse_event(MOUSEEVENTF.MOVE, disp[0], disp[1], 0, &NullInt); //Move Mouse New Displacement


"Object oriented way to get rich? Inheritance"
Getting Started: C/C++ | Common Mistakes
[ Assembly / C++ / .NET / Haskell / J Programmer ]


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