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How can i hack Wordpress filter_list
How can i hack Wordpress #1
I tried to find out how can I hack Wordpress blog. I found out i can hack websites with Havji but i would like to know how can i find vulnerability for a specific site.
I saw on this forum that i must to search on google those 'dorks' but i want to know how can I find vulnerability for a specific site, for instance... google. Could you help me?


RE: How can i hack Wordpress #2
Find out the software they're running and which version, then google for an exploit. Maybe it's a good idea if you learn how to crawl before you start walking..


RE: How can i hack Wordpress #3
Is good acunetix web for something?


RE: How can i hack Wordpress #4
You really need to dig around the forums for the basics mate. Nobody is going to explain step by step because it's just not that simple.

Start off with some tutorials and work your way up.


RE: How can i hack Wordpress #5
You can hack wordpress in following ways:

1. Do symlink on server
2. Get cPanel Access
3. Use public exploits

Now-a-days exploits is the best way for hacking wp sites..

uid=0(root) gid=0(root) groups=0(root)


RE: How can i hack Wordpress #6
I will add that you can use WPScan to find vulnerabilities in wordpress however scanning take some time.


RE: How can i hack Wordpress #7
There are methods you can hack a wordpress installed sites.
You have to look for an exploit with the right version.
First , take a look at Login panel so that you can reset password or not.
If password reset func: is enabled(lower version) , everything is easier now.

Symlinking on server is really easy to do wp shelling.
If you have any problem regarding this, you may ask me Smile


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