Eleven Years of Service
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Home of the Free? 03-18-2013, 03:25 AM
They say it's the land of the free. They say it's the home of the brave. I beg to differ. The government is slowly taking away our rights, one by one, until we'll all be placidly watching our country slowly eat itself apart. We are not free. We do not lift a hand against our precious God-blessed country. This is not the home of the brave. And it's a damned shame.
Between the desire, And the spasm
Between the potency, And the existence
Between the essence, And the descent
Falls the Shadow
For Thine is the Kingdom
For Thine is, Life is, For Thine is the
This is the way the world ends
This is the way the world ends
This is the way the world ends
Not with a bang but a whimper.
And it's a damned shame.
Twelve Years of Service
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RE: Home of the Free? 03-18-2013, 03:39 AM
You live in a democracy. If you want change, start a change, peacefully. Violence will alienate too much of the population for your message to achieve anything.
Eleven Years of Service
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RE: Home of the Free? 03-18-2013, 03:55 AM
If the people were with me, no alienation would exist. Non-violence has existed for millenniums, and it's brought about change. But there is still need of change, and any non-violent wishes for change have been oppressed. Tunisia, Egypt, Libya, and Yemen tried non-violence for a long time, and they resorted to their successful, violent revolution. I'm not against non-violence, and I certainly propose it as a first measure to attempt the return of out rights, but nothing seems to be working. And I don't think I live in a democracy anymore.
Twelve Years of Service
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RE: Home of the Free? 03-18-2013, 05:05 AM
Fighting fire with fire doesn't really work. It can patch it for a moment, but it doesn't last. Look at how well all those countries are going right now, government-wise.
I hope your not one of the people that are convinced all these acts being passed around internet monitoring are interfering with your rights, because they aren't, I could go into detail of why Internet access isn't a right, but I don't feel like it at the moment.
Or, if your one of the people complaining about gun regulation, keep in mind two things.
One, everyone else thinks you're a country full of backwards minded people when you think the solution to gun violence is to arm more people.
Two, your country wasn't founded by people that believed the common people should have supreme power over the government, in any form. There's a reason that your electoral college makes the final vote, not the actual people. "The right to bear arms" was probably meant more in a "people have a right to have the means to protect and feed themselves" than anything else. I'm not saying guns should be banned, but I've yet to hear of an occasion where a 100 round magazine on an automatic rifle was needed to hunt or protect oneself.
As for conspiracy theory in general, entropy is a bitch. There are infinitely more ways for knowledge of conspiracy to become public than there are for aforesaid knowledge to remain unknown to those not party to the conspiracy, making the odds of ANY conspiracy remaining secret for any substantial length of time around the same as the odds of one of the atoms in my finger suddenly being anywhere else.
Twelve Years of Service
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RE: Home of the Free? 03-18-2013, 05:41 AM
Something I noticed about nonviolent resistance, is the government must violently be suppressing people, or it's just a bunch of guys sitting in front of a few police (just to be sure stuff doesn't get out of hand). For a violent revolution to occur, the general population must be upset. But we do live in a democracy, and you must use you're influence to change the people in office, or, if you don't like any of em', run for political office yourself. You'll just be branded as a terrorist if you try to start a violent movement.
Twelve Years of Service
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RE: Home of the Free? 03-18-2013, 03:57 PM
Britan has some pretty tight gun laws, most policemen don't have guns. Didn't stop us from putting up one hell of a riot when we thought a kid had been wrongly abused.
And yes, an M1919 browning would likely down a plane. Wouldn't sink a ship, realistically. It has the same problem as privately owned warships and warplanes, though, being the prohibitively high price tag. At around 400 million for the newest fighter jets, and much more for warships, we'll always be outgunned by state-backed military.