@"Slarek" - When drawing your hangman, be wary that '\' is the escape char. This line, you should have doubled those up, along with the other place where the arm is drawn:
Other than that, you've got signed and unsigned comparisons going on:
int loc = word.find(letter);
When compared using the == operator with string::npos, which is an unsigned integral type. I'd just rewrite the definition of loc to be:
size_t loc = word.find(letter);
I got this though after playing once:
Good guess!
Your word: paper
It's correct!
Unfortunately the word is: paper.
So where the output is supposed to be for winning the game, it appears to be executed code to output that I've lost as well.
The other bad thing though is that this is all within the main() function. C++ has classes and many other things available to it that could help break that down. There's not much to a hangman game, but perhaps some functions would help in this case.