Q1- A;
I) I loved the Halo Combat Evolved game, the storyline was great and for it's date the graphics were above par. I loved the game and first played it when I was just about 4-5(?). 7/10
II) I liked this one less than the first, I don't quite remember Halo 2 as much as I do the others, this one seems to have just faded from my memory completely. 4.5/10
III) Oh, this was my favorite out of the eight. I played this game for about three years straight as I didn't have xBox live and was the only game I knew/enjoyed at the time. Will always be in my memory as I must have completed it about 30+ times. Myself and a friend would play it at his every single night after school. I- we; loved it. Amazing game. 9.5/10
IV) I never really played Halo Wars that much, It wasn't a game that dragged my attention that strongly. I love games like it, I enjoy the feeling of controlling a large force; or team. But this just didn't grab me like Combat Evolved and 3. A neutral 5/10
V) Another Halo game I didn't play that much, I felt with the game they delved more into the graphical side of the game and as well as they did this the storyline was affected. I didn't want to follow it as much as I do other games. Nevertheless I enjoyed it for a short time so it ears a simple 5.5/10
VI) Ah; Reach! Another one from the storyline I just loved. The game was brilliant. The storyline enticing and had me on the edge of my seat at a few points. Bungie managed to delve deep into the graphical side AND also keep the storyline, gameplay, characters and animation at a tip-top point. The forge on it was perfect and provided hours; upon hours of entertainment. Truly brilliant game. 10/10
VII) Not much to say about this since it was a simple rip of the first just made with better graphics and audio. Deserves a 8.5/10; Boosted for the better graphics and the fact it forced me back into my childhood days.
VIII) Though the graphics were/are amazingly beautiful; the game has its flaws. The storyline being as gripping as it is, also got rather boring with the extended missions that seemed to carry on for longer than they actually needed to. I could blame 343's lack of experience with the game but that seems rather irregular and unfair on them. They still managed to produce a high quality and potentially long lasting game... For some; I have grown rather bored of the game already, I have no interest in placing the game into my disc-tray. It seems to have formed; then died. The ranking system is so much better and enticing to keep track of but it seems to wither from the lack of fast paced action and demand in most games now-a-days. Nonetheless the game is still an accurate representation of what is left of the gaming industries. I feel it loses its marks on some of the campaign, multi-player and spartan ops but it's still a good play. Deserves a 7/10
Q2- A;
In MY honest OPINION; I think Bungie are the better company. I think this because they made a more enticing game that kept me on the edge of my seat so much more often, I think with Bungie's experience they managed to balance between keeping the gameplay and story on the right tracks whilst juggling the high demanding graphics. Since Bungie were my "childhood company" I would feel more inclined to them but 343 Industries are still a good company with a lot more potential.
Q3- A;
As always people would jump to the protagonist of the game... And that's what I'm going to do. "Master Chief"; what a character. So mysterious and brilliant. The way the developed him as a character was and is really impressive going from brilliant to better. They couldn't have made a more interesting character you would love to meet in person. Great satisfaction from hearing his voice and in the cut scenes they really did an amazing job. Good on Bungie and slight 343 for making him so diverse and creative.
Q4- A;
I would have to say this is a balance between three, reach and four. All three of these are just perfectly told stories with four having the heart breaker of an ending which truly grabbed you by the heart and squeezed. Three's story less heart throbbing but still holding you on the edge of your seat with a highly dramatic cliff hanger of an ending; I don't think that they could have completed it better. Reach's story was just brilliant, the way that they made the characters so interesting and the way they slowly null-d down the group to no-one was just amazing. Reach probably grabs the gold medal for this one, four coming in with the silver for it's dramatic loss of the character you've held onto for so; so long and really hitting home with it and of course three coming in with the bronze for it's dramatic climactic ending.
Q5- A;
I personally play on Heroic or Legendary. With groups it's definitely going to be legendary and if I'm going for them achievements. If I'm in the mood for a quick play around or if I'm going for Easter eggs I'll play on easy or normal.
Q6- A;
The best developed game out of the eight would have to be Halo Reach; again with the gripping story line and how they develop each and every character you grow upon then suddenly they're gone is just amazing. The way that suddenly you're hit with the loss of your favorite character should be inspiring to other game developers. Also the fact that once you've learned that all characters are going to die; you don't know who's next. So you're constantly sitting on the edge of your seat praying it's not Emile for example.
Q7- A;
The saddest moment would have to be losing Cortana at the end of Halo 4. I actually cried at this point it was so tear-jerking. The way that Bungie managed to develop such an amazing character spread throughout around three games and then having her killed off on her forth appearance after the player growing so fond of this character was just such a sad climactic point in the story.
Q8- A;
Completing Halo Reach on Legendary after the grueling challenge and time consuming trials of Halo Reach you come to the conclusion and the relief you feel knowing you can leave the xBox (or stay on); knowing you've completed an amazing game and being happy with it for once. Instead of feeling regret for wasting your time getting mad and ditching it at an infuriating point.
So, that's my answers!
What are yours?
You don't have to word them as complex as I have but; This is about the same as I would write for an essay. Trust me, this is a hard type; my arms are actually hurting from being relentlessly forced. Anyway, I digress. Thanks for reading and I hope you respond. Tara