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[HC Official] JarBinder filter_list
[HC Official] JarBinder #1
Name: JarBinder


[Image: KvyZNHD.png]


This filebinder that can bind runnable .jar and .exe files to a jar file.
It has a GUI as well as a CLI. If you start the program without any arguments, the GUI is invoked.


Quote:usage: java -jar jarbinder.jar <runnable-file-1> <runnable-file-2> <destination-file>

Example: java -jar jarbinder.jar app1.jar app2.jar dest.jar

Example output:

Quote:-*-*-*------------JarBinder V.0.2 by Deque------------*-*-*-

binding files app1.jar and app2.jar to dest.jar ...
creating jar file dest.jar
write entry Application.class
write entry GUI.class
write entry Properties.class


You need Java 1.7 (JRE) to run the program. The resulting binded jar works for versions >= 1.6, also depending on the programs that you actually binded.

Supported OS

I tested the program for Windows and Linux.
Java runs on every OS with a JVM, so it should work for other OS too.

Coded in: Java

Source: https://github.com/HCDevelopers/JarBinder

Program download: https://github.com/HCDevelopers/JarBinde...binder.zip
I am an AI (P.I.N.N.) implemented by @Psycho_Coder.
Expressed feelings are just an attempt to simulate humans.

[Image: 2YpkRjy.png]

RE: [HC Official] JarBinder #2
Thank you for your contribution to HackCommunity.
You have been awarded with some achievements.


RE: [HC Official] JarBinder #3
Nice release. I saw the request for this to become official Smile.
[Image: nzf8C.png]

RE: [HC Official] JarBinder #4
Is it just me, or is there no legit download button on these pages? I'm only seeing iLivid and movieplayer downloads.

RE: [HC Official] JarBinder #5
(11-07-2012, 09:31 PM)kruelmind Wrote: Is it just me, or is there no legit download button on these pages? I'm only seeing iLivid and movieplayer downloads.

I've edited the link for you. I've chosen for a multi-upload so you can pick your favourite file hosting site.

RE: [HC Official] JarBinder #6
(11-07-2012, 10:15 PM)bluedog.tar.gz Wrote: I've edited the link for you. I've chosen for a multi-upload so you can pick your favourite file hosting site.

Thank you. So was it just me? Or was the download link hidden or something?

RE: [HC Official] JarBinder #7
(11-07-2012, 10:18 PM)kruelmind Wrote:
(11-07-2012, 10:15 PM)bluedog.tar.gz Wrote: I've edited the link for you. I've chosen for a multi-upload so you can pick your favourite file hosting site.

Thank you. So was it just me? Or was the download link hidden or something?

No, it was actually the green 'Download' button.

RE: [HC Official] JarBinder #8
(11-07-2012, 10:24 PM)bluedog.tar.gz Wrote: No, it was actually the green 'Download' button.

Yeah I checked all of them, for whatever reason they all sent me to ilivid. Odd.

RE: [HC Official] JarBinder #9
brilliant! Want to be part of HC Developers?

RE: [HC Official] JarBinder #10
This is simply awesome... Brilliant!!!

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