Eleven Years of Service
Posts: 16
Threads: 1
Greeting 10-03-2013, 01:40 PM
Hi everybody.My name's Stefan.I study Biology in Germany to Dursburg essen university but I'm heated by computers and Internet since a long time.actualy I was looking to find a way to disable faronic anti-executable and I'm stumbled to yours website.It's a pretty good website and peoples seem to be nice.I'll make the best I could to help someone or to be help of course.by the way I user windows but linux is the best:Thumbs-Up:.Danke und aufwiedersehen
Eleven Years of Service
Posts: 16
Threads: 1
Greeting 10-03-2013, 01:40 PM
Hi everybody.My name's Stefan.I study Biology in Germany to Dursburg essen university but I'm heated by computers and Internet since a long time.actualy I was looking to find a way to disable faronic anti-executable and I'm stumbled to yours website.It's a pretty good website and peoples seem to be nice.I'll make the best I could to help someone or to be help of course.by the way I user windows but linux is the best:Thumbs-Up:.Danke und aufwiedersehen
Eleven Years of Service
Posts: 16
Threads: 1
Greeting 10-03-2013, 01:40 PM
Hi everybody.My name's Stefan.I study Biology in Germany to Dursburg essen university but I'm heated by computers and Internet since a long time.actualy I was looking to find a way to disable faronic anti-executable and I'm stumbled to yours website.It's a pretty good website and peoples seem to be nice.I'll make the best I could to help someone or to be help of course.by the way I user windows but linux is the best:Thumbs-Up:.Danke und aufwiedersehen
Twelve Years of Service
Posts: 1,395
Threads: 51
RE: Greeting 10-03-2013, 02:58 PM
We don't really care about what OS you use or which OS you find the best. For me it seemed like a cheap way of gaining credits? Relax and enjoy the forum.
Twelve Years of Service
Posts: 1,395
Threads: 51
RE: Greeting 10-03-2013, 02:58 PM
We don't really care about what OS you use or which OS you find the best. For me it seemed like a cheap way of gaining credits? Relax and enjoy the forum.
Twelve Years of Service
Posts: 1,395
Threads: 51
RE: Greeting 10-03-2013, 02:58 PM
We don't really care about what OS you use or which OS you find the best. For me it seemed like a cheap way of gaining credits? Relax and enjoy the forum.