Eleven Years of Service
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RE: Got my wife an expensive gift. She managed to break it within 5 minutes. Asked me if 08-17-2013, 01:51 PM
What kind of expensive gift was it?
Eleven Years of Service
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RE: Got my wife an expensive gift. She managed to break it within 5 minutes. Asked me if 08-17-2013, 02:47 PM
Let me guess, that must've been a smart phone or something? Tell us everything that happened please. :neutral:
Hidden Lesson: Reactions are always instinctive whereas responses are always well thought of.
Eleven Years of Service
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RE: Got my wife an expensive gift. She managed to break it within 5 minutes. Asked me if 08-17-2013, 04:22 PM
Guys, this's just a meme I found on the internet and I'm showing to you guys, it's funny 'cause his reaction is priceless.