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Good bye, DiscussionZone filter_list
Good bye, DiscussionZone #1
Well, I lost my staff position which was the only reason I bothered coming on every day or two, so I no longer have any reason to remain active/visit the site.

My drop in activity was obvious and most of you knew me being removed from staff was coming sooner or later. I tried to come on as much as possible, posting mostly in the Guardians sub forum and dealing with reporting posts, however it appears you need to be on for 5 hours+ a day and posting in just about every thread to be a staff member, something which I cannot do.

I've copped a lot of shit from quite a lot of you, most of it within reason, however I have also dealt my fair share of shit. As you all probably know about the merge I made from DiverseBox, which cost me a lot of friends, money, along with all the threats etc. I received. Now that I am calling it a day here, I will be straightforward with you; I did in fact sell the forum for a staff spot here and $100. I felt that it was the correct decision at the time, however looking back I probably wouldn't have made it if I had the chance again. As I said above, now that I have been removed from the staff team, I no longer have any reason to be here.

Some Shoutouts:

Blue - You're an awesome web master, no doubt about it. You've done amazing with DiscussionZone and I am actually surprised how long it's lasted and that the activity level has never decreased. The forum has gone down numerous times and you continued to come back, better than ever. You're not just about making money and you're willing to make sacrifices for the site. DiscussionZone has a very bright future for as long as you are in charge. Not going to lie, I was pretty pissed off when I saw I was removed from staff, however my activity was no doubt lacking and you did warn me a few weeks back. I believed I picked up my game though, posting daily up until the forum went down and I was back online when it came up for me (which was only yesterday). Anyway, guess Operate's whining and constant donations finally made you cave in.

Chris/Dissociation - Your forums were the best I've ever had the chance to be apart of. You ran things so much better than anyone else and you always had plans for new contests, ways to bring in activity etc. You're a lot older than most of the prebs here, which is another factor towards your success as a forum owner. Thanks for giving me the chance to be an Advisor on FJ and a full staff member on CG. CreativeGaming was amazing, I still remember when it opened like it was yesterday. I was on my phone at like 10pm in my hotel room when I was on holiday in Queensland.

Operate - My god, got to be the most annoying person I've ever come across. You're always over enthusiastic about everything, which isn't a bad thing I guess, but boy you need to calm down a bit. If someone doesn't reply at first, you automatically assume they are ignoring you. You donate and put so much money into forums, whether it be DiverseBox, DiscussionZone or HackForums. Start saving that shit bro. Anyway, you've pissed me off by spamming Blue every day about my activity, just so you could have my spot, but truth be told, after all the support you gave me with my forums and when I merged DiverseBox, you'll always be a good guy to me. I don't know how to describe you to be honest. You piss me off so much, but I can never stay mad at you.

Uzi - Didn't really get to know you too well, but we had a few chats here and there and you're a chill guy. You too dedicate a lot of time and effort to DiscussionZone.

Exotic - Fucking twat.

Evangelist - People suck your dick on DiscussionZone because you're well known on HackForums. You don't deserve what you get. That's all I'll say.

Jae/Shallow/all the other names you went by - Probably the maddest cunt I've met on here. You're funny as fuck and so chill compared to everyone, absolutely loved talking to you and hopefully, unlike everyone else, we will stay in contact Biggrin. Good luck in the Air Force brother, if you read this.

JT - Another mad cunt, extremely chilled like Jae and just a top bloke. Good luck with your clothing line if you're still going ahead with it.

Kirito/Snow - Fuck you guys pissed me off so much at the time when you kept fucking with DiverseBox, for absolutely no reason at all. I don't get how people can get a kick out of messing with others over the internet. Anyway, Snow, after I spoke to you a bit it turned out you were a good guy and just having some fun, which I still can't understand but each to their own. Kirito, never liked you and never will, however it appears you've changed and you're a decent member.

Zurchi - I don't know if you still come on here or not, however you were another good friend. You always supported me and my decisions on Chit n Chat and DiverseBox. When I closed Chit n Chat you swore that you'd never join any other forum, yet when I opened DiverseBox, you were one of the first 5 registered. One of the nicest guys out and I hope you do well for yourself in life.

Rogue - Don't know what to say really. We had so many good chats and shared a lot until I somewhat screwed you over by merging DiverseBox. If it wasn't for that, we'd probably still be mates, but oh well, shit happens and we've all moved on. You're a good bloke and I've said it before, but regardless of your opinion me, I'll still have respect for you and all you did for me/DiverseBox.

Also a special mention to everyone who supported both of my forums, ChitnChat and DiverseBox. There's way too many names to list, so I am just giving you all a general shoutout. You guys helped me out so much and I am extremely grateful for that. Sorry for letting you down twice, however you have a much better forum ran by a better web master now.

I don't believe I will be coming back, perhaps I will lurk when I have time, but yeah. I'll still be on Xbox every now and then, mostly playing FIFA. My gamertag is Screaming Sosa if you want to add me. Good bye!

RE: Good bye, DiscussionZone #2
Bye Wonders, you will be missed.
[Image: Ldss8XF.png]

RE: Good bye, DiscussionZone #3
Goodbye. See you in a few days.

RE: Good bye, DiscussionZone #4
No shoutout for Krew?

Jokes, well sad to hear you're leaving. Good luck on your journey.
[Image: HWV7adO.jpg]

RE: Good bye, DiscussionZone #5
Bye Wonders.

RE: Good bye, DiscussionZone #6
Good bye buddy, good to see that you're honest about people
[Image: U2JKI5T.png]

RE: Good bye, DiscussionZone #7
Wow, nice to know that you sold DB for staff and $100 not even a iPhone bruh. I backed you, thinking that you wouldn't do such a scummy fucking thing, turns out I was wrong. I supported you with idea of merging us, and I still do...but the fact that you'd do it for a measly $100 and staff on the forum is pissing me off.

Regardless, I will always consider you a good internet bud and if you ever want to talk shoot me a text on Skype. I still want my $9 fgt.

RE: Good bye, DiscussionZone #8
Quote:Evangelist - People suck your dick on DiscussionZone because you're well known on HackForums. You don't deserve what you get. That's all I'll say.

XD! I am not even known on HF, everything I get I am not even aiming for, I just come to the forums and post like every other user, not to gain attention, not to get anything. If I am getting something it's because other members believe I deserve it, not because I want it.
(This post was last modified: 09-17-2013, 10:37 PM by MineCrack.)

RE: Good bye, DiscussionZone #9
Sad to see you're going, I never really got to know you but you always seemed pretty chill and mature.
How soon, unaccountable, I became tired and sick;
Till rising and gliding out, I wander’d off by myself,
In the mystical moist night-air, and from time to time,
Look’d up in perfect silence at the stars.

RE: Good bye, DiscussionZone #10
Peace out girl scout.
"If you look for the light, you can often find it. But if you look for the dark, that is all you will ever see.”

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