Eleven Years of Service
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RE: Homosexual Marriage 12-24-2013, 09:16 PM
I've never had a problem with two people who love each other coming together in union, no matter what gender the two are. Marriage is between two people, whether it be a man and a woman, a man and a man, or a woman and a woman, and not anyone else. Also, those who say that homosexual marriage is not "normal" are just ignorant. If you too were in fact a homosexual, which oviosuly means becoming attracted to someone of the same gender, then it would be seen as completely normal to you, too.
"The only true wisdom is in knowing you know nothing."
Eleven Years of Service
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RE: Homosexual Marriage 01-10-2014, 10:23 AM
I think people should feel free to make their own choices. If two men or two women want to get married, let them get married. They can't change the way they are.
Eleven Years of Service
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RE: Homosexual Marriage 01-10-2014, 10:31 AM
I am a strong Christian. This being said, the only reason gay marriage is a touchy subject is based on the fact that it is not a social norm.
Social issue: An issue that relates to society's perception of a person's personal life. Different cultures have different perceptions and what may be "normal" behavior in one society may be a significant social issue in another society.
Basically gay marriage is against the status quo, and is looked at as being different or rebellious. Remember looking at that weird kid in class, and thinking how in the world he was raised the Way he was? That's our issue. We judge based on first impressions rather than digging deeper into the issue and understanding the rational topics at hand. Gay marriage will be legalized everywhere. It should be; based on how the world is changing.
Also, calling marriage a Christian institution is downright idiotic. Timelines state that marriage was occurring before those times.
Social problems will never be solved based on public opinion and media.
Eleven Years of Service
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RE: Homosexual Marriage 01-13-2014, 03:03 AM
You know, I guess I just really don't care either way. I guess that's a bad thing because I've been told that the middle of the road is the worst place to drive.
I'm not a religious person and never have been. Our country isn't supposed to be a religious one, so the religious argument is out for me.
But it's clear that it isn't natural...I mean, it just doesn't "fit" if you know what I mean.
So, I'm not going to fight for the right for homosexuals to get married because it doesn't seem just right to me, but I'm not adamantly against it either.
That said, I have an older friend who is gay. He doesn't believe in gay marriage. I'm not sure why not, though.
Eleven Years of Service
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RE: Homosexual Marriage 01-13-2014, 09:55 AM
I believe in this instance, we need to address the issue that 'marriage' nowadays has two different societal meanings. We are arguing for two different things.
There is marriage in the religious sense, and marriage in the legal/monetary sense.
If you are a religious person, you believe what you believe. Many men and women are married, and have not had a ceremony in a church, but have done so legally, so that they might express their love for one another, and share a life together, despite not being religious.
If we have already separated marriage from the church in this way, than I see no reason for homosexual people to be able to express these same feelings towards one another in this same way. To each their own.
Eleven Years of Service
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RE: Homosexual Marriage 01-13-2014, 02:50 PM
Let them do their own thing. It doesn't affect you at all, so why does it matter? Are you that bored and have nothing else to worry about except what other people do in their bedroom? If you are, get a life.
Eleven Years of Service
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RE: Homosexual Marriage 01-14-2014, 11:20 PM
We all have a set of different values and beliefs and that alone makes this a very controversial topic. It says in biblical books that a man coming together with a woman is the way of the world. Plus in this world, only a man and a woman can conceive an offspring. But I believe homosexuals should have their rights to get married. Due to weddings originating as a Christian thing, however, it's mostly going to be seen as a violation to the bible thumpers, the believers and to everything the religion stands for.
Eleven Years of Service
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RE: Homosexual Marriage 02-13-2014, 02:56 PM
I believe that homosexuality is completely part of the norm of our species, for instance dating all the way back to the classical era, the Spartans and the other Greek city states armies condoned homosexuality between a man and another man as a result of the belief that they had, which was that a man would fight harder and in a more fierce manner against an enemy that threatens his lovers life and so on, all the way through the existence of man there have been examples of homosexuality, personally I believe the only reason in which homosexuality is seen as a taboo subject is due to religion, In particular the Christian church of which in it's early days condemned everything from a woman performing fellatio or anal sex let alone any other form of sexual posture etc, deeming it the devils work and so on.
I personally believe that homosexuality is a perfectly normal thing and in our day and time that it should no longer be any form of taboo, however I would not want to see a man and a man kiss in the park etc, but again what two people do behind closed doors is completely up to them and we as a society should not attempt to hinder them in any form.