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There was a very particular style of DDOS attack just now, it was mitigated.
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Forum stats #1
I don't know what you think, but for me it looks freakin ugly.
Looks messy.

[Image: 34pyjkj.png]


RE: Forum stats #2
Well what do you expect from a free plugin gold lol
but no yeah it looks a little messy
not horrible
but not good ether
I crack, I rat, I do keyloggers, I sell hosting, I own a vps, I make websites, Yet I am still bored Biggrin


RE: Forum stats #3
That first name sucks...looks like some decryption is required for that username Wink.complained to bluedog Wink.Decryption Biggrin

: M N E M O N I C :



RE: Forum stats #4
(03-09-2012, 10:53 AM)mnemon Wrote: That first name sucks...looks like some decryption is required for that username Wink.complained to bluedog Wink.Decryption Biggrin

Haha, true. Now we have to decrypt usernames :epic:


RE: Forum stats #5
I'm not sure how you managed to get it look like this, looks fine with me:
Spoiler: Look:
[Image: HC2.png]

What resolution do you have? And what browser do you use?
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RE: Forum stats #6
(03-09-2012, 11:48 AM)1llusion Wrote: I'm not sure how you managed to get it look like this, looks fine with me:
Spoiler: Look:
[Image: HC2.png]

What resolution do you have? And what browser do you use?

Now it is fine. It was like yours till this morning. But yeah, it has nothing to do with resolution or my browser. Anyways...it's ok now.


RE: Forum stats #7
I too had that problem but now it is okay!!!!!


RE: Forum stats #8
Looks good now
thanks for whatever was done
I crack, I rat, I do keyloggers, I sell hosting, I own a vps, I make websites, Yet I am still bored Biggrin


RE: Forum stats #9
Might have been the DDoS attack playing with the requests =)
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We know everything about you anyway.


RE: Forum stats #10
May I ask do you know who is ddos you
I can try to fight back with my vps that is just laying around
I crack, I rat, I do keyloggers, I sell hosting, I own a vps, I make websites, Yet I am still bored Biggrin


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