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Favorite Champion filter_list
Favorite Champion #1
Who is your favorite champion in League of Legends? Mine is Hecarim as he is very versatile and easy to dominate with.


RE: Favorite Champion #2
I think mine is the same as yours wonder he is just beast.


RE: Favorite Champion #3
When I used to play RS mine was the same as you.


RE: Favorite Champion #4
Umm Sunlight, This is not runescape broh.


RE: Favorite Champion #5
It's hard to say, but probably katarina. Low cd, high mobility and damage. She's insane.
~ Fear of the unknown.


RE: Favorite Champion #6
My favorite is Lee Sin, he's pretty sick Tongue


RE: Favorite Champion #7
I used to main support. So I used to play a ton of Taric!


RE: Favorite Champion #8
(04-15-2013, 09:06 AM)Wonders Wrote: Who is your favorite champion in League of Legends? Mine is Hecarim as he is very versatile and easy to dominate with.

Hecarim was the first Champion I bought and I LOVE him!! He's my second favorite right after the all-mighty and amazing PANTHEON

Pantheon is just ssooooooo amazing when I play as him! I just wreck kids left and right, it's not even fair!


RE: Favorite Champion #9
Favorite champion is Caitlyn. Ever since trying her in a free week way back when I was a noob I knew she'd be the one I'd main. And she currently is my main adc. Smile


RE: Favorite Champion #10
(04-25-2013, 12:04 PM)Fernando Wrote: Favorite champion is Caitlyn. Ever since trying her in a free week way back when I was a noob I knew she'd be the one I'd main. And she currently is my main adc. Smile

Caitlyn is stupidly OP, her range is just broken Sad


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